Chapter 5 - Good Morning 🕒Saturday, November 2nd, 1963🕞

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I awoke to the sound of guitar banging, and two boys singing Everly Brothers. Suddenly, I heard a door slam open with a thud and the singing grew louder.


It sounded an awful lot like...

"PETER!" Jane shouted, throwing a pillow at the door. "GORDON! GO AWAY!"

I opened my eyes, thinking that if I really was still trapped in the 60's, this might actually be happening, and sure enough, it was. I couldn't suppress the grin spreading across my face at the sight of Peter and Gordon. Jane whipped her head back to look at me, realizing I was awake, and groaned.

"We have a GUEST staying here, you hooligans!" she shouted, ripping her brother's guitar from his hands. Peter cautiously peeked over his seething sister and blushed a deep red.

"I'm sorry." he said under his breath. I stifled a laugh.

"It's really quite alright. This is your home, after all."

Jane rolled her eyes.

"Well home or not, he has no right to come in here this early. What time is it, anyway?"

Gordon looked at his watch.


Jane groaned and stuck her head under her pillow.

"She's not a morning person." Peter chuckled, looking at me. "And who might you be?"

Jane raised her head.

"That's Wendy. Will you get out of here, please?"

Peter shrugged.

"Alright, but I thought you might wanna know."

Jane huffed.

"Know what?"

"That McFartney fellow you're seeing? He's on his way over here now. Just thought you might wanna know."


And just then, the doorbell rang. Jane groaned, pushing past the two boys.

"MOVE!" she shouted, leaving me alone with them. I looked up at the two, smiling awkwardly, before deciding to follow Jane downstairs. I got up out of bed, and walked past them, too excited to think of how I looked. Jane had put a robe on, and was viciously brushing out her hair and grumbling to herself.

She opened the door to reveal not only Paul, but a grinning George.

"Good morning, boys!" Jane said, stepping aside and letting them in. They turned to look at me and suddenly looked very uncomfortable. I slowly looked down and sighed. There I stood, in the middle of the hall in a strange British home in front of Peter and Gordon, Paul and George. In Jane's very short mod nightgown, not to mention my hair, which was probably a mess.

"Morning, Wendy." Paul chuckled. I felt my face flaming up, and I frantically looked around the room for something to cover up with. It was like one of those horrible nightmares where you're running around naked and no one seems to notice but you.

"We were told you were coming five minutes ago." Jane laughed nervously. She looked at George awkwardly. "George, I didn't know you were coming."

Paul laughed.

"He wanted to come check up on Wendy. Make sure she was alight after last night."

I looked at George, my heart fluttering. He went red in the face and averted his eyes.

"I'll be, er, right back." I said, quickly dashing up the stairs and into Jane's room. I quickly grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around my body, and hurried back downstairs.

"Hello." I greeted them, exchanging eye contact with Jane, who looked like she could choke her brother.

"Are you feeling better today, Wendy?" Paul asked. I nodded, happily.

"Very much."

"Glad to hear it."

An older woman with the same strikingly red hair as Jane approached from the kitchen, smiling.

"I just made brekkie if anyone is hungry." she said, kindly in what sounded to be a thick Irish accent.

"Yes, please." George said, heading for the kitchen. Paul put his arm around Jane.

"We haven't had brekkie yet, that would be lovely."

The woman turned and suddenly noticed me standing there awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled and extended her hand towards me.

"Name's Maggie. I don't believe we've met?"

I smiled politely. "No, ma'am." I said. "My name is Wendy. Your daughter has been very kind to me, thank you for letting me stay the night."

"Oh, it's no bother." she laughed. "Between Jane and Peter, it might as well be a boarding house. Aye, we have people coming and going through here all the time." She let out a boisterous laugh and shook her head. "I'm Mrs. Asher, but like I said, that's Maggie to you, dear."

I grinned.

"Lovely to meet you." I said, walking into the kitchen to join my new friends. I sat down next to George, who grinned at me and began to scarf down eggs. Jane and Paul sat on my other side, next to Peter and Gordon. A redheaded man sat at the foot of the table, smoking a cigar and reading the paper, whom I assumed to be Mr. Asher. Maggie was buzzing around the kitchen, getting us tea and coffee, amongst the other wonderful morning delicacies she had to offer. A girl appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. Like the rest of the family, she too had red hair and appeared to be a couple years younger than Jane.

"Good morning, dear." Maggie said.

"That's my sister, Clare." Jane said. She sat down next to her father and brother and reached for the plate of bacon that George had almost finished off.

I watched him shove his face with food and laughed. He stopped chewing on his current piece and swallowed.

"So how's ole McFartney these days?" Peter asked from across the table. Maggie gasped.

"Peter!" she scolded. Gordon and George guffawed, and Paul looked at Jane.

"Well, you're probably going to be seeing more of me around, if that's alright, mate." he said, losing himself in Jane's hazel eyes.

"That's gear!" Peter said, Gordon nodding in agreement.

"You'll have to bring John along next time."

"I will." Paul promised. I looked at George and smiled.

"So how are you doing today?" I asked him.

He grinned nervously.

"I'm doing well. Paul and I are headed for the studio to record some more tracks and all a tha'."

"Do you go every day?"

"Most every day, yes."

I sat back in my chair and sipped my cup of tea, admiring everyone around the table. They all looked so happy. Occasionally, I would catch George staring at me, quite intently at times, and I would always look away, trying to play nonchalant.

A few moments later, Mr. Asher, a man of little words, stood up and folded his paper. "Margaret, I'm off to the office." he said. Maggie rushed over and kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye, dear." she said. He put on his coat and headed out the door.

"Take care, kids." he called back. Paul waved.

"Later, sir." He looked over at George.

"We should probably get going as well, Geo." he said. George glumly looked down and stood up.

"Nice seeing you again, Wendy." he said quietly.

"You too, George." I said, butterflies forming in my stomach. Gosh, he really was something!

After a brief goodbye, the two boys headed on their way, Paul promising to see Jane later that night. Everyone went on their separate ways, leaving Jane and I alone in the Asher kitchen. Jane smiled at me.

"Go get ready, we're going shopping."

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