Chapter 2 - Drive My Car 🕒Friday, November 1st, 1963🕞

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The next thing I knew, I was alert and standing in the middle of an intersection. I looked around in complete shock and wonder to find myself in what appeared to be mid to early sixties, almost like a town stuck 60 years behind. I frantically spun around, trying to gain control of whatever had come over my body. The last thing I could remember was the lab. Was I asleep? What drugs had they given me? They had to have been powerful because this was some dream I was having to be taking in the sights, sounds, and smells like I was. I turned the other way and was just about to move when suddenly, there was the loud blare of a horn and the slamming of brakes. I fell back and looked up to discover a light blue Ferrari, inches from my body, and blinked. A man with Buddy Holly glasses and a mop of chestnut-brown hair towered over me.

"Oi, you! Get out the road!" he yelled, leaning out the window. I couldn't move. I couldn't budge. I crouched stock still, staring blankly at him, jaw dropped. He once more honked the horn and opened the car door.

"You deaf?"

After a minute had passed, I shakily brought myself up from the ground and made eye contact with John freaking Lennon. I shook my head and decided to play along with this delightful dream I seemed to be having. I must be pretty conked out back at the lab! I stared at him for a second, sitting elegantly in his Ferrari. He was just the way I'd always imagined him to be, and I felt shivers run down my spine. I made my way over to the passenger side of his car and leaned in.

"I'm terribly sorry." I said, rather fearfully as John looked ready to blow up.

"You should be!" he snapped, wiping sweat from his forehead. "I could have killed yer."

I peered into the car and then nervously averted my eyes. Now what? I couldn't just let him drive off.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble," I started, not sure where I was going with this beautiful dream with John Lennon in it, "would you mind giving me a lift?"

I bit my lip and waited for him to drive off and leave me standing on the corner God knows where but...instead...the man upstairs surely must have been on my side today for he hesitated, looking very pained.

"Get in." he said, sounding tired. I grinned, not believing my luck.

"Thank you so much." I said, glowing with happiness to be riding in a Ferrari with one of my biggest idols.

He said nothing, and we took off down the road. We were silent for a few moments, as he fidgeted with the radio. After a couple stations of static, he turned it off, and grunted. I got the feeling he was not particularly happy with my presence.

"The only reason I'm doing this is because of me mum." he suddenly blurted, defensively. I looked at him questioningly.


"She was killed in a car accident six years ago." he said quietly. I was rather taken aback by him telling me this.

"I-I'm sorry." I said softly, picturing Julia Lennon and how much trauma John had experienced in his life.

"It's not your fault!" he snapped. "Bloody driver didn't even stop. Blimey, he was an off-duty cop...a drunk one at that." He looked at me for a second from where he sat. "I could have hit yer, ya know!"

I looked down, not knowing what to say. He focused his attention back on the road.

"What were you doing in the middle of the intersection like that, anyway?"

I frowned and looked out the window, not remembering what had happened before.

"I-I don't know." I said slowly. "All I remember is being in shock for some reason and then, there I was, in the middle of the street."

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