Chapter 11 - Please Mr. Postman 🕒Tuesday, November 5th, 1963🕞

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I awoke the following morning to Jane shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes groggily and rolled over.

"What's got you up so early?" I asked suspiciously. She smiled.

"Paul's coming to pick us up in a bit. I thought you should be the first to know."

I laughed and shook my head.

"Thanks for the heads up this time."

I got up, put on a sweater and tube skirt, and ventured downstairs. We were visiting the studio again today and after last night, I had plenty of time to do some thinking, particularly regarding my situation with George. I decided that, no matter what the outcome was, I was going to try to win him over. I knew that I liked him, there was no denying that. And it seemed that everyone else was vouching for us. I was giddy with excitement to see him again and thrilled about the days to come. As I had drifted off to sleep last night, I had dreamt of George, the boys, and the city...but mostly George.

The doorbell rang and Jane disappeared for the front door. It was the postman. She reappeared a moment later with some envelopes, packages, and something she held behind her back. Her wide smile gave her away.

"What?" I asked with a chuckle.

She giggled.

"Look what I found on the doorstep!" she squealed, whipping out what was behind her back. I gasped. It was a beautiful bouquet of gorgeous red roses.

"Are they from Paul?" I asked her as I admired them.

"No, silly!" she giggled, shoving them at me. "They're from George!" I felt my heart speed up as I took them and read the label. I smiled and smelled them as there was another knock at the door. It was Paul.

"Good morning, love." he said, kissing Jane. He looked at me and winked. "I see you got Georgie's flowers."

"They're lovely!" I exclaimed.

Paul grinned. "I went with him to pick them out. We figured you were the roses type."

I nodded happily.

"I love roses!"

"Make sure you tell him that." Paul said. "The poor lad, he wanted them to be perfect for you."

I couldn't stop smiling all the way to EMI. When we arrived, I suddenly felt very nervous.

"It'll be fine." Jane whispered. "Just be sweet to him."

We walked in and John broke into a wide smile.

"Oi! Look who it is, lads! It's Trendy Wendy!"

I laughed and shook my head at him.

"Wendy! Long time no see!" Ringo chuckled.

"I know, it's been what? 24 hours?" I laughed. I looked at George. His adorable brown eyes twitched nervously and locked on mine. This was my moment.

"Thank you for the flowers, George. They're beautiful!" I gushed, approaching him slowly. He broke into a fanged smile and blushed.

"Like you." he mumbled. My heart skipped in my chest.


"Um, glad yer like 'em." he said quietly. "Yer do like roses, then?"

"They're my favorite!" I exclaimed. George beamed.

"The pleasure's mine." he said, holding his gaze. We stood there staring at each other for a minute in admiration. His eyes were so beautiful. They pulled me into a kind of trance, took me so far away. I noticed his pupils were extremely dilated, causing me to blush even more than I already was. John cleared his throat awkwardly, and we both immediately snapped back into reality.

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