Chapter 47-You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 🕒Friday, December 13th, 1963🕞

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I drew a sharp breath of chilly winter air.

"What is it, John?" I stuttered, moving one foot slowly forward.

He smirked, taking the cigarette fag from his lips and tossing it defiantly to the ground.

"Oh I think you know, love." he said taking three large strides toward me. I winced, almost yelping when he grabbed my shoulders. He cackled in my face, his smokey breath lingering there a second too long.

"What..." I tried to push away but before I knew it he had backed me into the wall. I tried to move but my limbs felt like jelly. John completely and overwhelmingly awed and intimidated me. He had me just where he wanted me and I had to applaud him for that. He smiled meticulously as if he had thought the whole thing out with too much precision. The very thought terrified me.

"Woodbine?" he asked holding out a cancer stick for my partaking. I scrunched my nose and shook my head although by the time he was finished I reckoned I'd probably want to start smoking . I cleared my dry throat and tried to speak. Ugh words!

" thanks. John, what are you doing here?"

John's brown eyes twinkled in the moonlight and I saw lacings of amusement in his face.

"I suppose I can ask you the same thing now can't I, future girl?"

My lungs stopped and all the blood drained from my face.



Oh, no, no.

I stood there mouth agape staring out in utter shock. What in the world had happened? How in the universe could he have found out? Did Paul know too? Ringo? The only other person who knew was George. And George wouldn't tell John. Unless...

I gasped in horror. No. It was too terrible a thing to be true. Not George. George would never betray me like that! Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. Wendy! Get it together! If you don't you may never get back! Or worse stuck there and really mess up history.

John's smirk grew wider at the horrified expression before him. He knew I had no poker face. It was too late now. There was no getting around it. He was just too darn smart.

"Alright, start talking. How do you know?" I blurted, not even bothering by now to keep the tears from leaving my eyes. John felt no more compassion for me than I did for myself. He studied me for a moment in amusement like some animal in the zoo and then his countenance switched to a softer more quizzical expression.

"Mm and if I don't tell you?" he crooned softly as he took baby steps in the opposite direction. I yanked his arm, forcing him to face me.

"Who told you? Are you the only one?"

John raised a hand in protest.

"Aye, don't get yer knickers in a twist, bird. Georgie didn't tell me if that's what's eatin' yer. I'm not here to break up a lovin'. I could care less how much he snoggs yer. He doesn't know that I know ya see."

My heart slowed.

"He doesn't?"

John shook his head.

"Course not. Wanted this to be our little secret, pet." He spoke the last part in a whisper, nodding at me. "After all, love. We have a special bond from the day I almost hit ya."

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon John. How'd you find out?"

"Well isn't that a bit presumptuous of yer? That's for me to know and yer to wonder."

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