Chapter 43-You Say It's Your Birthday 🕒Friday, November 29th, 1963🕞

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Jane arrived back home promptly the following morning just as she said she would. She came by to pick me up after breakfast and I didn't realize how relieved I was to see her until she walked in the door of the boys' flat.

"Jane!" I exclaimed, rushing forth with bursting energy to give her a bear hug. She laughed, flashing me her rosy dimpled smile that I had missed oh so much.

"Hello love. Miss me?"

I closed my eyes.

"You have no idea."

We went to the guest room to pack my things, Jane chatting a mile a minute about her trip.

"Oh Wendy, it was simply fab! I wish you could've been there."

She paused, giving me a mischievous glance.

"But of course I'm sure you had quite the time over here, eh? I see that you and Georgie have made up."

I nodded, smiling.

"Oh yes. I'll tell you all the details later but we definitely made up." Twice, actually.

We walked back into the kitchen when George and Ringo stood waiting to see us off. George stepped forward to give me hug.

"Goodbye love. Call me later." he said, hugging me tightly. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks for everything. Really. I had fun this week."

I said a brief goodbye and thank you to Ringo and carrying my bags, followed Jane outside where Paul was waiting.

"Oh look. A chauffeur." I snorted.

Sticking his head out the window, Paul gave me a little wave and a wink. I felt myself blush instantaneously and tried to bury the thoughts I was having from the other night. Jane was back now and there was no more fooling around. Period.

Paul climbed out and helped me put my bags in the back.

"Why thank you sir." I said grinning widely. He winked again and bowed lowly to the ground.

"At your service, mam. Anything to please George's girl."

"George's girl?" Jane whipped around from where she sat at the front of the car.

I nodded smiling.

"Details please! What have I missed?" she squealed as Paul and I climbed in.

On the way back to Jane's, I briefly filled her in on everything that she had missed while she was away making sure to leave out the night of Paul and I's little escapade.

When we reached the Asher residence, Paul dropped us off and waved goodbye to me as he gave Jane a kiss. As I walked in the house, I sighed in relief as an air of familiarity hit me. Staying with the lads had been nice but it felt good to be back to normal -or whatever normal was for the time being and I knew that I was home again.


The week passed quickly as I spent most of it with the Asher family better getting to know Peter and Claire. Gordon wasn't hanging around for once and I found Peter to be very friendly. They were equally as nice as Jane, maybe nicer and I got along especially well with Claire. There was something to be said about a family that would take me in like that just out of the blue. Mrs. Asher had told me that I was always welcome there and I took her word for it as she was an honest woman.

Later in the week on Thursday, I called George. It was nice being able to talk to him on the phone and I realized how much I already missed staying with him as I lay my head on my pillow back in Jane's room that night.

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