Chapter 49-Ain't He Sweet 🕒Saturday, December 21st, 1963🕞

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Morning light peeped through the window and it took me a moment before realizing where I was. Connecting the dots, I quickly was able to address the situation, groaning inwardly as I remembered last night. I rolled over to find George not in bed, the smell of bacon drifting through the bedroom door. Turning back to look at the clock I let out a groan aloud. What the devil was George doing up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning? Groggily, I peeled myself from the bed sheets that smelled of him and made my way out to the kitchen putting on my bathrobe.

"Morning pet." George greeted me as he forked a large clump of eggs onto a plate.

"Morning." I grumbled, opening his fridge and reaching for the orange juice, my head muggy and my eyes still crusted over. I had gotten used to staying at George's by now, almost more so than Jane's and felt that I was becoming a regular in George and Ringo's humble abode. Ever since Paul moved in, I had made it an effort to stay away from the Asher's to avoid any awkward circumstances. It suddenly occured to me that I should probably call Jane as I hadn't phoned her last night and it was the least that I could do as her family had been so kind to me the last couple of months.

George chuckled. "You sure are chipper today."

I sighed.

"It's 7:30."

"How about some breakie." George placed the plate in front of me and I gratefully began to gulp it down muttering my thanks through a biteful.

When I had finished I sat back, taking another swig of orange juice.

"Mind if I call Jane?" I asked.

George handed me the phone.


I nodded and quickly dialed the Asher residence.

Mrs. Asher answered in her thick Irish accent.


"Hi, it's me, Wendy. Would you mind spreading the word that I'm over at George's and that's why I didn't come back last night? I'll be home soon."

"Sure thing, lass."

"Thank you."

I hung up quickly as George leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

"Wendy, before you dash off, I've something I've been meaning to ask yer for sometime now."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"It's about Christmas. I was talking to Brian and turns out after Liddypool, we 'ave a couple days off before we do our show at the London Palladium and I was wondering if yer would wanna come back to America with me sister Louise and tha'."

My heart hammered in my throat.

"You want..." I hesitated. "You want me to come with you back to Benton?"

George smiled, his brown eyes twinkling.
"If yer would like. Yer are coming on the tour after all, right missy?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Oh, George! I'd be so happy to go!"

George just smiled.

"Gear! We'll leave on the 24th right after the show. Flight leaves at 11."

I stood up at the table, my legs nearly giving out in the midst of all the excitement.

"I've got to get going then! I've got a lot of packing to do!"

George grinned. "C'mon pet, get your things. I'll take yer home."

I grinned back.

"Ok George!"

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