Chapter 16 - Got My Mind Set On You 🕒Saturday, November 9th, 1963🕞

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I could hardly wait to go to the studio the following morning. I was giddy with excitement to see George again and happy to spend more time with the boys. Upon returning home late last night, I had filled Jane in on my positively radiant date, as she had been waiting breathlessly like a schoolgirl to hear all about it. And then, just like any other day, we got up and made our way to E.M.I. But it wasn't just any day, and George and I both knew this. Something had clicked last night, something I had never felt before. I couldn't put my finger on it exactly, but I knew there was something special between us, and I knew that I was in the running at the very least.

As we walked into the studio, the lads were huddled around the drum set speaking in hushed tones, George sat Indian style in the center. Upon entering, they all turned around, George grinning widely. John cried, "There she is now! We were just discussing you, Wendy." he added, mischievously. I blushed.

"Oh...really?" I laughed in surprise.

John dropped his jaw and jabbed George in the ribs.

"Ya know, yer right! She does look like Jean Shrimpton!"

I raised an eyebrow and smirked at George, curiously awaiting explanation. He flushed a deep crimson and Paul rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"George was just informing us about your night out. Did you have a good time?"

"What..." I was still reeling from the fact that they were comparing me to the gorgeous British model. "Oh, yes, we had a wonderful time!"

Paul nodded and embraced Jane lovingly. John, George, and Ringo all looked up at me with bright eyes, George smirking a little. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"So what's all this about Jean Shrimpton?"

John sneered.

"Oh, Georgie thinks yer look like her, and he's right."

I looked at George who was looking at the floor.


He stared up at me as a smirk painted its way across his lovely face.

"Yer really do, love." Ringo butted in. I giggled, shaking my head.

"You three are absolutely crazy!"

"Four, Paul agrees too." said John. Paul turned to face us.


"That Wendy looks like the Shrimp."

Paul's eyes lingered on me for a moment, before nodding as well.

"Yeah, I can see it."

John grinned.


George took a long drag from his cigarette and leaned back in his chair.

"Except Wendy's prettier, of course." he said sweetly, gazing up at me with a foolish grin. I blushed and giggled at him as he stood up and approached me.

"Good morning." I said softly. "Sleep well?"

He smiled.

"Mhm. You?"

I nodded, recalling the dreams I'd had, mostly of him.

"Can I get you some tea?" I asked, heading toward the kitchen. He smiled.

"That would be gear, thanks."

I nodded and followed Jane.

"You two are a dream!" she said, jabbing me in the arm. I grinned.

"Do you think he's going to ask me out again?"

Jane nodded.

"Oh, definitely! You've got him eating out of your hand!"

I shook my head at her in amazement and filled the pot full of water. As I stood there waiting, I had my back turned towards the door and didn't notice Jane had slipped out.

"I don't know, Jane." I said, thoughtfully. "He's got a life too, ya know."

"Who has a life?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard his thick scouse accent behind me. Whipping around, I managed to take the pot with me, spilling water all over the floor. Between the two of us constantly spilling things, I was surprised the kitchen was still intact. Giggling, I leaned over to wipe it up.

"Sorry." George laughed, blushing a bit. "Didn't mean ter scare ya."

I stood up and shook my head.

"No, you're good. I'll make you some more tea, don't worry."

He laughed.

"Yer don't have to bother. I'm not an invalid, I can get it myself."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and began to refill the pot. I watched him in admiration, my heart leaping into my throat at what I could have said in his presence.

"So what's that you were saying, pet?" he said, a smirk covering his face. It took me a second to realize what was happening and that he was actually gloating in my presence, once he realized he had the upper hand in this situation. My face turned fire engine red and I averted my eyes.

"I - it really isn't important."

The smug look on George's face made me ever more flustered than I already was. He turned to give me one final smirk before finishing the tea, and we walked back into the studio.

"I'll talk to yer later." he said, as the boys got set up.

"Ok. Bye." I chirped, heading off to be with Jane...and keep my mouth shut.


The morning passed very quickly, and we soon left just before lunch as the boys had a deadline and were crunched for time with the near release of the album. I was a little bit disappointed because I'd barely had any time to talk to George, but I knew that I'd see him again soon. Frankly, I'd been thinking and realized that it may or may not be a great deal of time before I leapt out of 1963 and back to 2019. I had tried to push the thought from my head, as I was falling very rapidly for George, but I knew the fact itself was inevitable.

Victor hadn't visited since our last frustrating scrabble where he kept asking if I had done anything to change history or affect it. It made my head hurt just thinking about it. I really didn't want to leave; I had only been there a little over a week and was already beginning to fall in love with swinging London and the lovely people there. I was absolutely terrified about the fact that I had no idea when I might be brought back to the future, and I wasn't sure if it was that or the fact that I may never go back that scared me more because I knew that both were very real possibilities.

And then what would happen? Would I stay there forever? Would George and I fall in love? Would he never meet Pattie? That would really screw up the time continuum and I could wipe myself out of existence. I didn't know if it was worth the chance or not, but with every waking day, I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind and put my mind and soul into doing whatever I could to stay in and cherish the 60's. I was living the dream and if Victor had a problem, he could deal with it. After all, he was the one who got me there in the first place and I was forever indebted to him for it. All I could do was approach each day with a renewed and energized spirit. Life was good and I felt fine.

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