Chapter 36-Hello Goodbye 🕒Wednesday, November 20th, 1963🕞

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"Wendy love, wake up. We need to leave soon for the studio."

I slowly peeled open my eyes and groaned pulling up the covers. I hadn't slept a wink that night thanks to the boys' staying late and George's intrusion.

"Not yet." I mumbled squirming to get comfortable. I felt the bed slump and lips press against my ear.

"But love, we're going to be late." he whispered. "I let yer sleep late."
"You also kept me up late." I grumbled. George frowned.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that..."

I sighed and banged my head on the pillow. George rubbed my back gently.

"Please get up. I want yer there with me at the studio today. I wanna show off me girl."

I sat up and brushed the fringe from my face.

"Okay fine."

George grinned and stood up.

"Come out when yer ready."

I nodded and began to drag myself to the closet emotionless. Half asleep, I dressed myself in one of George's shirts and the leggings I came in, threw my hair up, and walked outside.

"Ready." I said in a raspy voice.
George took one look at me and busted out laughing.

"Yer look like a bloke!"


"Wendy, come back! I was just foolin!"

I was already headed for the car rolling my eyes in jest at the stupidity of the male race. Being here in '63, I had to constantly remind myself that girls still dressed professionally and weren't going around as slobs with their starbucks and hair in a ball atop their head. Tired as I was, I was beginning to miss the future.

I climbed into the passenger seat and George got in next to me, followed by Ringo.

"Morning Wendy." he piped up from the back.

"Morning Rich."

He chuckled.

"Yer don't have to sound so happy about it."

"I am very happy. Just tired."

"Did ya sleep well?"

I snorted.

"I would hardly call three hours well."

George patted my arm.

"I'm really sorry love."

I shrugged.

"Your friends, your apartment."

Ringo looked thoughtful.

"Did we keep yer up?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever gave ya that idea?"

George studied me carefully.

"Wendy, are yer mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"I dunno yer just so touchy today..."

"I told you George, I'm just tired!" I snapped suddenly very annoyed. I lay my head back in the seat and moaned, closing my eyes. The truth was, it wasn't just a lack of sleep that had me bothered. My well-known friend Little Red Riding Hood had decided to make her way through the woods and visit a week and a half early, the nasty little culprit, and I was cramping like there was no tomorrow.

Neither George or Ringo spoke a word after my outburst and we rode on in silence the rest of the way to the studio. When we arrived and began to walk in George pulled me aside.

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