Chapter 44-Instant Karma 🕒Friday, November 29th, 1963🕞

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John's POV

I watched them standing there, rubbing the back of my neck. Neither of them saw me, they were both too lovesick to care. George was practically sucking her face off.

It all made sense now...her appearing in the road, the lyrics. It was all starting to come together. I'd seen her appear just out of the blue moments prior as if she'd come out of material nothing. Thought I was just seeing things as I was no one to say what was or wasn't and had refused to wear my glasses as per usual. I didn't want to come off as though I'd lost the plot.

But now? Now I felt certain that mischief was at play and I, as the curious John Lennon often did, intended to take it upon myself to find out just exactly what this mischief was. And I had ways of doing this.

It was like some crazy sci-fi film or book I'd read growing up and I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around it. Would time travel really become possible? She was definitely out of this world, that was for sure. An odd bird quipped with odd ways of responding to us, some ways I found to be admirable while others annoying and etcentric. This bird was like no other.

I hesitated as they walked further down the lane, not wanting to make an entrance as this was not the time. I would have to corner her perhaps. Yes, that was it. When she was alone.

Instead I silently re-entered the house and got my things, making a quiet escape in my Ferrari. Cyn had bumped off a ride with the others and gone home long before and I was certain she'd be asleep when I returned.

Pushing open the bedroom door, I quietly undressed and climbed into bed only to hear Cyn mumble something in her sleep.

"Cyn you up?" I whispered into the dark. She groaned.

"John it's 3 A.M. Where were you?"
"At the party. Listen, love. Do you recall the other night when that man came to our front door? The one I called the martian?"

Cyn sighed and rolled over to face me.

"What about him?"

"You said he was glowing!"

"Oh John, come off it. I was only seeing things."

"Yes. There's been quite a bit of tha from what I've gathered."


"Just nevermind. About that man."

"What about him?"

I bit my lip.

"S'nothing. Doesn't it strike you as a bit odd though?"

Cynthia rolled her eyes.

"What strikes me odd is that you feel the need to prod me with these questions at this hour of the night! Get some sleep!"

I ignored her and sat down on the bed.

"Love, what do you think of Wendy?"

"I think she's a nice girl and you shouldn't have yelled at her like that in the studio last week."

I felt my face fall.

"Who told yer about tha?"


"Oh, of course. Brian."

That man had a death wish.

"Well did he say what it was about?"

"Only that you have an anger management problem and shouldn't be trusted in positions which demand responsibility."


"Dear, go to bed." Cyn muffled into her pillow.

I sighed irritably.

"Well doesn't she strike you as a little off? I mean what's wrong with her anyway?"

"Go to sleep."


No reply. I sighed annoyingly and swung my feet onto the bed, pulling the covers over my head. I was going to get to the bottom of this one way or another. I was going to face Wendy Parker and I was going to find out her secrets. I would catch her by surprise and do it when she least expected.

"I'll do it. I'll do it when she's alone."


I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight Cynthia."

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