Chapter 10 - No Reply 🕒Monday, November 4th, 1963🕞

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I sat at the kitchen table later that evening when the phone rang. Paul had been around to pick up Jane for a date about an hour or so ago and I was once again left alone at the Asher residence. I hesitated, cringing slightly as I debated whether or not I should answer it. The chances of it being for me were slim unless it were Jane or one of the boys. And answering someone else's telephone didn't feel right anyway. I don't know what lead me to do it, maybe a slim, foolish hope that it would be George himself, but somewhere inside of me, I mustered up enough curiosity to impulsively pick up the receiver. I cautiously lifted it to my head and prepared to take a message for the Ashers.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"Wendy!" the voice on the other end range out. I sighed in relief; it was John. "Yer just the one I was hoping to talk to, how are yer, love?"

I smirked.

"I'm just fine. What's the matter Lennon, miss me? Couldn't get enough of me for one day, huh?"

There was a sarcastic pause, and I could hear him smiling over the phone.

"Oi! Watch it, cheeky, the wife's in the other room!"

I laughed.

"John, you know I'm joking. So what can I help you with?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you'd like to pop round to mine for some tea or something tonight. Cyn's been dying to meet yer and I heard from Paul the Ashers were out and thought you could use a little cheering up, ya know, so's ya don't get lonely in that big ole house. What do yer say, love?"

I grinned.

"That sounds lovely! I'll be right over!"

John gave me his address and I quickly hung up. I was just giddy with excitement. I was going to meet Cynthia and Julian!

I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door to catch a taxi. I flagged one down immediately and gave the driver the address. He must have known I was American because he snickered a bit at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You're American, ain'tcha?" he asked. I smiled.

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Yes, yes, it is." he chuckled.

The drive wasn't very long and quick enough, he slowed down in front of the cutest little house.

"Is this it?" I asked. He chuckled again.

"You don't know your way around here, do you?" he asked. I laughed and shook my head no, tipping him well with my "allowance" money Jane had given me.

"Thanks ever so much." I said, climbing out and heading up the walk. I was surprised there weren't any fans around, I had seen plenty about earlier when I was with Ringo. It never seemed to let up, the boys were probably always so exhausted.

I knocked nervously on the door and waited patiently on the front step. The curtain on the window moved and suddenly John's face appeared. He flashed a cheeky smile and opened the door.

"Wendy! So glad you could come!" he said, giving me an awkward hug and ushering me inside. I raised a skeptical eyebrow, still unsure of why he was back to being so nice to me. I swore there was a Lennon switch that controlled these things...

"Thanks for having me. What's with the sudden politeness?" I asked, jokingly. John placed his hands on his hips.

"What are yer talking about? I'm always a perfect gentleman." he said with a pout. A slim blonde woman entered the room and rolled her eyes.

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