Chapter 17 - Mrs. Vandebilt 🕒Monday, November 11th, 1963🕞

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A day went by, one which I spent out and about in the city instead of moping around the Ashers. I felt bad enough staying there as it was and I knew they needed their time and space as a family. I figured since I'd be sticking around (or until Victor told me otherwise) I might as well look for a job, even if it was just for the experience. I knew I couldn't stay at the Ashers forever and even if I did, I needed something to do on the days we didn't visit the studio. So, I took it upon myself to be grown-up and responsible, as I scoped out the city for openings. I returned home later that evening exhausted upon finding nothing.

"No luck, huh?" Jane asked as I stumbled in. I shook my head.


Jane pursed her lips.

"Why don't you come downtown with me tomorrow?"

My eyes widened.

"You mean on set?"

Jane nodded.

"Sure. Maybe you can pick something up down there, they're always hiring extras at the studio."

I gawked at her. Jane was currently acting in a Roger Corman production, Mask of the Red Death. I couldn't believe that she'd actually take me with her to work.

"You're sure I won't get in the way?" I asked. She smiled.

"It will be fun! I'll introduce you to my director Mr. Corman, you'll see!"

So, it was decided. The very next morning, we set out for the movie studio. Naturally, I was unsure of what to expect. I mean, this was the filming of a classic horror movie for pete's sake! But then again, I had just spent the last week and a half hanging around E.M.I. and living with the Ashers.

As we walked in, Jane greeted the cast and crew and immediately began to get ready. I watched at a distance, careful not to infringe upon anyone's business.

After a moment of standing there observing my surroundings, I was approached by a dark-haired well-dressed man with a cigar hanging from his mouth.

"Ello, love." he said, extending his arm for a handshake. "Who might you be?"

I was drawn out of my daydreams and taken aback.

"Ohhh." I stuttered. "I-I'm Wendy Parker, a-a friend of Jane Asher."

"Ah, so good to meet you!" he cheered, pulling me into a tight-handed grip. "I'm the director of the film, Mr. Corman. If there's anything I can do, let me know."

"Thank you." I replied, smiling. "I've never been on set during a film before."

He laughed as Jane approached.

"I see that you two have met." Jane said. "Mr. Corman, Wendy's the one I told you about. She's been looking for a job and I thought maybe you could refer her to something?"

I perked up as Mr. Corman glanced in my direction and pursed his lips.

"Hmm, yes. Tell me, Miss Parker." he said. "How is a good-looking bird like you not in show biz, hm? I would have thought that they'd have snatched you up long ago!"

I blushed.

"Well, I'm kinda new to town." I said quietly.

He puffed at his cigar and eyed me in wonder. I nervously hesitated as I waited for him to respond.

Then, after a moment he nodded, more to himself than to us and said, "She'll do."

Jane and I looked at each other.

"Pardon me, but do what?" I asked.

"Follow me." Mr. Corman said. "I want to introduce you to some people. If you ask me, I'd say you're the one Mrs. Vandebilt has been looking for, you'd be perfect! A spitting image of Miss Shrimpton herself!"

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