Chapter 18 - Misery 🕒Wednesday, November 13th, 1963🕞

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My days spent in 1963 continued on as a blur in which time no longer held any meaning to me. The next day, I was still on a high from my time at the modeling agency and looking forward to my photoshoot on Friday with much anticipation. Yesterday had been fun but it had also been extremely exhausting, and I was tired, so much so that I turned down going with Jane to the studio. I missed George, and I hadn't stopped thinking about our date last Friday, but I was tuckered out and needed some time alone to think things through which meant that sleeping in was the only thing that actually sounded desirable.

I awoke to find the Asher home silent and quite peaceful. Everyone was out and I breathed a sigh of relief as I lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling. Something wasn't right, and though I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, I somehow felt out of place...very out of place.

I frowned, sitting up and looking at the clock to discover it was almost noon. Moaning, I got up and stretched, putting on my robe and making my way downstairs.

I put the kettle on for tea and poured myself some cereal, yawning all the while. I rolled my eyes as I sat down, figuring I probably got too much sleep, that dead and inactive feeling you get when you never think you're going to fully wake up. But I did soon enough.

For just then, there was a tapping sound on the window and I jumped, spilling cereal everywhere. I groaned. It was Victor. Of course I didn't feel right because I didn't belong there. How could I have possibly forgotten? Boy, was I out of it.

"What do you want?" I yelled through the glass, aggravated by his presence. Ever since our last meeting, I dreaded these encounters.

"Let me in and I'll tell you."

I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to come to the door. He shook his head. I sighed.

"Why not?"

"There's people out there."

I held my head in my hands. "So?"

He just gave me a look and I let out a sigh.

"Ohhh, riggght. I forgot we were still playing secret agents."

Victor was not amused in the least by my sarcasm.

"Just open the window and let me in!"


I pulled down the latch and helped him inside as he balanced himself on the kitchen sink.

"Thanks for nothing." he said, dryly. I nodded and sat back down to finish my cereal, not wanting his visit to ruin my cornflakes.

"Wendy, I've gotta have some information and I've gotta have it now!" he said wringing his hands anxiously and joining me at the table. I chewed, my mouth full, and swallowed.

"Ok, so get some information," I said casually, dunking my spoon into what was now just a bowl of milk. He rolled his eyes.

"That's what I'm trying to do."


"No thank you. Now, will you please listen?!"

"I am."

"Sit down!"

I jumped at his sudden harshness and carried the tea over to the table.

"What do you want to know?"

Victor slammed his fist down on the table.

"I want to know what in God's name is going on here!"

Silence. My heart began to pound as I knew what he was going to ask me next was not something I specifically wanted to hear. He sighed and rubbed his hands across his forehead.

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