Chapter 37-When You're 54 🕒Wednesday, November 20th, 1963🕞

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I spent the day keeping Cyn company over at John's house, giving him time to cool down back at the studio and for George to talk some sense into his self pertaining hot head. I spared Cyn the drama of the morning and instead took it upon myself to really get to know her as a person for who she was and not just as the tolerant Mrs. Lennon, John's wife.

We played with Julian and giggled over tea, me getting my much-needed dose of girl time since living in an apartment with two men for the past three days. She supplied me with enough lady products to get me through the week and even let me take a hot bath. God bless Cynthia.

I made sure to leave promptly at 5 before John could arrive at home and find me in his house. I took a bus back to George's and got ready quickly to surprise him for dinner with his favorite.

I was just setting the table when the door opened and a grinning George emerged, carrying a small package.

"Hello darling!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. "I've got something for yer."

As he revealed the package, I squealed in delight. George had bought me dark chocolate.

"Oh Georgie, thank you!" I cried kissing his cheek in gratitude. He grinned.

"Thought yer might need that after today. Glad to see yer lookin chipper again."

I smiled nodding.

"Where's Rich?"

George grinned mischievously and rubbed his hands together.

"He's spending the night at Maureen's so yer know what that means -we get the place to ourselves!"

I smiled and shook my head at his eagerness.

"So what um...happened after I left?"

George sighed and shook his head.

"John went completely awol. I don't know what's eating him these days but it's mucking him up something terrible. He tried to blame Macca for being so kind to yer and dragging Jane along and kept insistin' Ringo and I are starstruck fools. I said well maybe I am. Yer just jealous yer don't 'ave what I got. That shut 'im up."

I frowned.

"It did?"

"Yeah we were all surprised. It ain't like John to give up so easy. Guess he was just plain tuckered after that brawl he had with yer. Which reminds me," he said pausing to take off his coat and sit down. "Brian said it would probably be best if yer girls took a break from coming to the studio all the time. It wasn't my idea and can't say the lads and I are very happy about it but it's becoming too much of a distraction. I'm sorry Wendy."

He looked down in shame and I swallowed and nodded. I should have known this would happen sooner or later.

"I'm not surprised." I murmured glancing up at George and cracking a faint smile. He frowned and moved closer towards me.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way." he said slowly taking my hands in his own. I shrugged.

"I get it George. You gotta do what you gotta do."

"I'm not convinced." he said raising an eyebrow. "Anyhow it doesn't really matter. Guess we'll just have to see more of each other out of the ordinary."

He paused long enough to kiss me deeply and I lost myself as I grew weak in his arms.

"George." I said trying to wiggle from his grasp.

"Hm." he breathed as he nibbled my ear.

"I made you scouse. It's on the table."

That got his attention. I couldn't believe he'd just passed up his favorite dish to stop and tell me about his day. I really did have him eating out of my hand.

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