Chapter 32-Tomorrow Never Knows 🕒Monday, November 18th, 1963🕞

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George arrived right at 5 just as he said he would. This time though Ringo was with him.

"Hello boys!" I called rushing out to sit in the back. They grinned.

"Ello Wendy love!" said Ringo. "How was your day?"

"It was great." I said happily. "My next photo shoot isn't until next Monday so I have the week off!"

"That's gear!" George exclaimed. "How does dinner sound about now?"

I nodded vigorously. "I'm starving!"

"I'm pretty peckish meself." Ringo agreed. George grinned.

"Let's make a night of it yeah? Rings why don't yer call Maureen up, ask her if she wants to come with us."

Ringo perked up instantly and nodded.

A few minutes later Maureen had joined us and we were driving down the road to a little pub on the next block.

"What did you say your name was?" Maureen asked as she sat at my side in the back.

"Wendy." I smiled turning towards her.

"Lovely to meet you." she said grinning widely. She had such a pretty smile. I returned it gladly but it began to fade when I remembered that she and George would have a small affair. Granted George was probably stoned out of his mind by then but the whole thing seemed questionable.

I shuddered silently hoping with all my heart that if I changed anything it would elongate her relationship with Ringo and stay out of George territory.

We were soon pulling up outside of the restaurant and Ringo and George exited and opened the backseat doors for us.

"Why thank you Mr. Harrison." I said taking his arm and walking alongside of him. He placed his hand on my back, guiding me as we went.

"Pleasure's all mine pet." he said. We went in and George got us a table in the corner where we could all chat amongst ourselves.

I sat down next to him and across from Maureen who kept studying me curiously from beside Ringo. She never said much at all which made me nervous that she knew about Ringo's previous confessions. But then I guess she wasn't so pure herself. Whatever the case I found it increasingly difficult to make conversation with her and decided it best if we didn't hit it off right at first.

The waiter came and took our order and after he had departed George leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Yer want to go for a boat ride after dinner?"

I smiled and nodded.

"That would be...gear." I snorted making George chuckle at my efforts to fit into society.

"Was it really that bad?" I asked quizzically. George raised his eyebrow.

"You've got a lot to learn love. You've come a long way from '63."

We stopped talking as we were suddenly aware of Ringo and Maureen staring up at us with blank expressions. I kicked George a little and gave him a pleading glance that said fix this situation now.

"63..." he stuttered looking back at me with uncertainty. I could tell he was still getting used to this whole new concept of time travel himself not to mention backing me up. Ringo raised an eyebrow.

"$63." George said awkwardly. "I was just explaining to Wendy that if she's going to make it big in the modeling business $63 is something to sneeze at."

I couldn't suppress the grin that was growing across my face at his awkwardness and stupidity. Ah classic George.

Ringo's look of bewilderment disappeared and he sipped his beer in boredom. Good thing it was him and not John. Maureen on the other hand looked liked she didn't buy a thing and pursed her lips as she studied George and I up and down in pure distaste.

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