Chapter 6 - He Came in Thru the Bathroom Window 🕒Saturday, November 2nd, 1963🕞

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Jane had given me an outfit of hers to wear today until we could find some more "fitting" attires. She was kind, and the one thing I really appreciated was that she didn't ask questions. She knew that there were people who just needed help and I felt that I could trust her. In time, I planned on telling her...what exactly, I wasn't sure...but in the meantime, we both had a mutual understanding that would grow with being together. We had taken a bus downtown to shop, and I loved being in London. All the traffic and people, out walking their dogs, eating at cafes, getting a cuppa. And it was all over 50 years ago. It was simply amazing. Of course, I was still in shock. But somehow, I had learned to manage myself. I had been there for 24 hours, and it was finally starting to settle.

We got off at a small chain of stores, some of which I recognized, and began to walk through the hustle and bustle of the city.

"Where shall we go first?" Jane asked.

"You lead the way, I'm new around here." I said, honestly.

"Let's go in here." Jane suggested, pulling me into a luxurious looking place with mannequins lining the window. We were also shopping for a formal dress for Jane to wear when she was out with Paul. He took her to the finest places, and she wanted to look sharp.

We entered and I instantly fell in love with the beautiful prints and colors. They were all so sixties.

"We've simply got to find you something for George!" Jane exclaimed suddenly, twirling around in mischief. I stopped.


Jane took one look at me and toppled over laughing.

"Oh, come on now! Are you blind, darling? Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?"

I gulped.

"What do you mean?"

Jane cocked her head.

"Oh, Wendy. Wendy, Wendy, Wendy! He's got it bad. He's hooked! Can't you tell?"

I snorted.

"Well, I've only known the guy for 24 hours!"

"Yes, and in those hours, he's fallen HARD!"

I snickered.

"Oh, come off it, Jane. What would a guy like Geo see in me?"

Jane raised her eyebrows

"Um a LOT. You've got a LOT of stuff he would like. I mean, my goodness, you're so pretty, Wendy!"

I flushed.

"Thank you, Jane. That's very kind coming from you, but I don't you really think so?"

"I am positive, I've seen it before. And more specifically, I've seen George around girls. He's not anything like Paul. He's a nervous wreck, but only around someone he greatly admires. And you, he's particularly like that around you."

"He does seem a bit reserved..."

"That's the way George is. He's a very shy and sweet guy. He probably has feelings for you, but you wouldn't know because he hasn't gotten around to telling you. The real question is, how do you feel about him?"

I blinked at her. It was all happening so quickly; I had hardly been there a day and already I'd met Geo and she wanted a full confession of my love for him. Good grief.

"I-I don't know." I stammered, looking at the floor.

Jane grinned, her tongue peeking out slightly from between her teeth.

"You like him, don't you?"

I sighed.

"Well, I uh...I just...yes, I guess I kinda do-"

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