Chapter 9 - Should Have Known Better 🕒Monday, November 4th, 1963🕞

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We arrived back at the studio an hour or so later. Ringo had delightfully escorted me around the streets of London, talking in a posh accent and pretending to be my tour guide. We had a lovely time, and had gotten on very well, becoming true pals. He certainly knew how to make me laugh. I had never paid much attention to Ringo before, and I felt sorry now because he was one of the most laid back and endearing guys I had ever met. We walked in the doors of E.M.I. in fits of laughter, me doubling over because Ringo had just run into a pole on accident.

"It's true! You really are such a clutz!" I yelled, falling in after him and burying my head in his chest, where I stifled my giggles.

"I know, love, I know." he said, tears in his eyes from laughter. We calmed down a bit as we entered, realizing that no one seemed to be back yet.

"That's strange, I didn't think we'd be the first ones back." Ringo said, walking over and sitting down.

"Well, I guess we have more downtime before your next session." I said with a shrug. "I'm going to go make a cuppa, you want one?"

"Yes, thank yer, love."

I smiled and nodded, making my way to the kitchen. But as I neared the door, I heard voices coming from inside.

"I just don't understand what the bloody deal is." said John, making an exasperated noise. "Yer being quite irrational about it, whatever it is. You're right mardy, George."

"Irrational?" the other voice shot back. It was George. I hid behind the door and listened.

"How is it that I'm always irrational to yer?"

John sighed and drummed his fingers against the table.

"Why don't yer just tell me what's on yer mind, then?"

There was a moment of silence, and then George made a sound like he was deciding whether or not to speak.

"I-I can't." he said, quietly.

"What do yer mean yer can't? Yer can tell Johnny anything! C'mon, mate, tell me what it is!"


"Why not? Pleaaase?"

"Yer wouldn't understand."

"Understand what?"

"It's nothing."


"Yer wouldn't bloody get it, alrigh'?! Women are toys to you!"

There was a long pause and then a low cackle escaped John's throat.

"Ahhaaa! So, then it is about a certain someone."

George groaned.

"Awe, buzz off, Johnny."

I could feel John grinning widely.

"Who is she?"

"No one."

"Geo, I have a wife for pete's sake. Who is she?"

"No. One."





Silence. I felt my heart stop.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and out stormed George. I hid in the shadows quickly and stayed there as I heard John cackling like a mad man from the kitchen. A couple seconds later, he burst through the doors.

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