🔹Author's Note🔹

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HI, REMEMBER ME? REMEMBER THIS BOOK? I'M STILL ALIVE, I PROMISE!!! It has literally been a whole YEAR since I've updated (which I cannot believe!!) and I was going to wait till I had something of more substance before updating but then I thought better of it. Y'all have been SO patient  with me and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for sticking around! It has been an incredibly busy year for me and an INSANE last couple of months for everyone. I just graduated from college in the midst of all this chaos and have been trying to prioritize writing lately as I feel that it is a necessary way to get through these times and is absolutely CRUCIAL for survival. All that being said, here is the next chapter! I PROMISE the remainder of my uploads will be more substantial, I just needed to get back into the swing of publishing and get something up lol. This summer I WILL be finishing this book! I have some pretty big surprises up my sleeve for something in the works for the future, but for right now, I promise y'all I will prioritize on finishing IWTTY and THEN let you guys know about that. BUT AHHH I CANNOT WAIT! Those still reading this book: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! God bless and stay safe!

What do we think of this mysterious stranger? I would love to hear theories about this dude if anyone has them. Will Wendy find him? What kind of information, if he has any at all, does he have for her? Regarding the boys, things are gearing up for Christmas. Wendy is going to meet George's sister in America. Then, we have the big tour commencing in January and, of course, ED SULLIVANNN! I really hope someone here sang that in Bye Bye Birdie manner... 😂🙄

Anyways, love for you guys! Dm me if you have any last minute ideas for this book because things are winding down fast and things are going to start quickly coming together (don't want to spoil anything). Hope y'all are staying safe out there in these times! I know I blabbed on about this already but I seriously cannot WAIT for you guys to see the next book I've been working on! I won't be putting anything up till after I finish this one but I'm hoping some of y'all will read it! It's going to be science fiction AND I'M REALLY FRICKIN EXCITED ABOUT THAT! Peace and love, friends! ❤️✌️

~ Ash

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