Chapter 15 - And I Love Her 🕒Friday, November 8th, 1963🕞

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Jane arrived home a few minutes later. As soon as she walked in the door, I ran to her, squealing with delight.

"GEORGE JUST ASKED ME OUT!" I cried. There was no use pretending or trying to contain my excitement any longer, I couldn't control myself. I was going out with a Beatle! My Beatle! Jane's eyes widened and her mouth dropped.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed. I nodded vigorously, and we started jumping around, hugging, and screaming for an eternity.


I began to spill everything to her as we went upstairs, discussing our fairytale walk home. The remainder of the evening, I could hardly contain myself, and I had trouble getting to sleep that night.

On top of all that, the next day couldn't have gone any slower. I spent most of the morning lying around the house, waiting since the boys had a press conference and therefore weren't at the studio and Jane had gone out. I made myself a sandwich for lunch and tried to occupy my afternoon by reading more of Jane's books, but I was restless.

Finally, the evening arrived, and my nerves were all over the place.

"Don't be nervous, Wendy." Jane said reassuringly. "It'll be a gas! And besides," she added. "George is ten times more nervous than you are, me." She patted my back and winked. I grinned slightly and shook my head.

"I'm just worried." I said. I hadn't been out with a guy in a very long time and of course I didn't want to admit this to Jane. She stood up and took my hands.

"C'mon, let's go get you ready. George will be here in an hour!"

After showering and doing my hair and makeup, it was time to get dressed. Jane rummaged through her closet, pulling out the purple dress I had picked up when we went shopping.

"Put it on!" she ordered, tossing it to me. I stepped into it and zipped up the back.

"There, how do I look?"

Jane gasped.

"Oh, Wendy, you look gorgeous! Absolutely smashing! George is going to love it!" she squealed, clapping her hands.

I spun around in sheer delight. I really did love that dress. I slipped on a pair of little white heels and my coat and a few minutes later, I was ready to go. My hair hung down in its natural wave, forming just around my shoulders and Jane let me borrow one of her pearl necklaces. I was nervously playing with it when the doorbell rang, and my heart leapt in my throat.

"IT'S HIM!" Jane screeched, grabbing my arm, and pushing me down the staircase. I waved her off.

"Shush, Jane! Calm down! I don't want to come off as desperate!" I said fiercely.

Jane rolled her eyes at me and smirked, slinking off for the living room to eavesdrop. We both knew that I totally was and had done nothing but wait for the past 24 hours.

"Good luck." she called. I took a deep breath, trying to gain composure. This was it. Don't blow it, Wendy. I reached for the door and gave it a tug, revealing the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. George Harrison stood on the porch, flowers in hand, tux and tie, staring down at me. I smiled shyly, leaning against the door frame.

"Hi there." I said softly, staring up at him as I bit my lip. His face alone was enough to make me go weak. He seemed to radiate and glow with passion as he stood there, grinning that toothy grin.

"Wow..." he said nervously, just standing there, eyeing me slightly. "Yer look...yer look really nice."

I blushed.

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