Chapter 27-Get Back 🕒Saturday, November 16th, 1963🕞

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Making a wild dash for the exit, I pushed and shoved my way through a hundred some dancing people. I grabbed my coat and purse on the way, and caught sight of Jane who called out to me, but I didn't respond. I was almost to the door when John appeared out of nowhere.

"And where do you think yer goin, pet?" he sneered, pointing an accusatory finger at me. I gulped.

"I happen to be leaving." I said through gritted teeth. He squinted his eyes at me as if he was trying to understand.

"Wait a second...have you been crying?"

I tried to push past him.

"What's it to you?"

He moved so he was blockading the door.

"You have, haven't you!" he said cynically. I closed my eyes and drew a shaky sigh.

"John, please let me out."

He frowned.

"No. Not until you tell me what's going on. Where's George? Why'd you leave him by 'imself? The lad's beyond 'imself with affection for you."

My lip quivered in despair and I tried to hold back the tears but they only spilt more freely. I turned around anxiously to see people gawking and George standing dejectedly across the room.

"Please, John." I said so quietly I could scarcely hear myself. "Let me go."

John's expression softened somewhat as he pondered the situation and he stepped forward slightly revealing the handle to the door. The moment he did, I made a run for it -grabbing the knob, I threw it open and ran off into the night. I was a little surprised he didn't try and stop me but I suppose he had bigger concerns.

I was running so fast that I ran headlong into a tall dark figure who muttered an oof. Scrambling backwards in fright, I looked up only to realize it was Paul.

"Wendy!" he said in surprise. "You gave me quite the scare! What are you doing out here away from the party?"

I shrugged, mentally cursing myself for not being more careful.

"Suppose I could ask you the same." I said. He gave an airy chuckle.

"I came out for a smoke and was just heading back in. Where's George?"

I gulped.

"In there." I said, motioning towards the club. Hesitating slightly, I moved in closer.

"Paul, could you explain to Jane that I went home early? I'm sorry to dash and go but I'm not feeling the best and I thought I'd cut out now."

Paul looked a little bewildered.

"I suppose so." he said, raising his eyebrows a little in wonder. "Do you want me to get George? I'm sure he'd be happy to take you home. I can-"


Paul nodded slowly, raising his hands in submission.

"Ok love, suite yourself. But are you sure you'll be alright on your own? Y'know I could take you home as well." He gave a little wink and I had to stop myself from giving in to the McCartney charm.

"That's alright, Paul. I think I'll just take the bus. Thanks though."

"Yeah." He turned to walk back inside, a worried look etched across his countenance.

I sighed and turned to go, making my way across the lawn again. I picked up the pace as I ran to the corner where a bus was leaving the station. Frantically, I ran to catch up and digging through my purse was able to scare up enough change to pay the fare.

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