Chapter 40-Another Girl 🕒Friday, November 22nd, 1963🕞

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Things went downhill fast the following morning. At first everything appeared fine on the surface. I arose to discover a suspiciously chipper George who had been up for several hours making Ringo and I breakfast. He was in high spirits -a little too high.

"Good morning good morning!" he called as he spooned out pancakes onto a plate. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's with the sudden change of attitude?"

It wasn't like George to be this hyper -especially early in the morning. He shrugged.

"Don't see any point to be blue. The sun is out, the sky is blue; it's a beautiful day!"

Ringo grinned.

"Nice to see yer up and about mate."

I frowned.

"George, about yesterday-"

He waved his hand in dismissal.

"Forget last night! Let's not talk about it, hm?"

"Yes but George-"

I was interrupted by George breaking into manic laughter. It possessed him quickly as if he were going mad. I swallowed.


The next thing I knew he was sitting down and forking eggs quickly into his mouth.

"Hurry up and eat! We've got a lot to do today!"


"Wendy, I'll take yer to the department store so yer can pick out a new dress for tonight."

I bit my lip and gave him a knowing look to see if he was finally going to ask me -properly.


George stopped eating and smacked his forehead.

"Yes tonight love! Tonight is the release party and it completely slipped my mind. Wendy, darling, will yer be me date?" he spoke spastically and I was beginning to grow increasingly suspicious of his mental health. I hesitated and nodded slowly, not certain what was at play.

We finished eating and George hurried me into the car, talking rapidly about the night that awaited us.

We drove to some shop I had been before with Jane and I selected a pretty minty green floor length gown with one strap which slid elegantly across my shoulder. George bought me some shoes to go with it and took me back to the apartment, all the while acting extremely peculiar.

"George we need to talk." I said confronting him in the car as we pulled in the lot outside the flat. He refused to meet my eyes and looked down, appearing to be tense and uneasy as if he would snap at any moment.

"Not now, we don't have time." he muttered fidgeting with the steering wheel. "Go get ready for tonight, love."

"But George-"

He had already gotten out of the car and was making his way upstairs very rapidly.

I huffed and turned to head for my room, on the verge of an emotional break down. His tenseness had only grown worse and now not only was I worried but beginning to find his attitude plain frustrating.

When I reached the apartment George had vanished completely and didn't show until an hour or so before the party, only leading to more stress. I hadn't the slightest idea what had gotten into him and only held myself to blame for telling him too much not to mention his encounter with Victor.

When the time came to get ready, I entered my room and got dressed quickly, doing my hair in a quick updo and my makeup in a matter of minutes. I reached in the back of my dress to try and get the clasp but couldn't find it.

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