Chapter 38-I Need You 🕒Thursday, November 21st, 1963🕞

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Fidgeting with the pearls of my necklace, I stood nervously awaiting George's arrival dressed in my black party dress. He would be home shortly to show me his song and we would leave for John and Cyn's for dinner. Not only was I worried about the song but I was beginning to have growing anxiety about the night that approached us. Going to John's after what had happened yesterday in the studio wasn't exactly my idea of a fun time and I bit my lip in anxiety.

Just as I was fixing to put on my shoes I heard the door open and the sounds of laughter coming from the living room. The lads were home and Ringo had brought Maureen.

"Wendy!" George called out. "We're home!"

I quickly took one last look in the mirror and running a hand through my curls hurried out to find George taking off his coat. He grinned up at me and looked a little mystified.

"Wow yer look great!" he said, his eyebrows raised in amusement. He flashed me a little wink under his red hot stare and I blushed. It was then that I realized the roses he held in his hand.

"I-I brought yer flowers." he said sheepishly looking at the ground. "As a peace offering, love. I'd like us to be friends again."

I smiled sweetly and took the bouquet from him.

"I swear if you keep it up, I'll have a whole garden's worth! Thank you, Georgie."

He grinned and nodded towards Ringo and Maureen who were sitting in the kitchen laughing like fools.

"We're going over to John's together in a bit. Hope yer don't mind."

"Oh-oh. I, no." I stuttered quietly hoping he didn't sense how nervous I was. I quickly called hello to Ringo and waved to Maureen. George frowned.

"Wendy, you're not worried about going over to John's are yer love? He's all over it now. Ruddy chipper."

I bit my lip and shook my head. George patted my back.

"That's me girl. Now c'mere, pet. I believe I promised yer that song -even though yer seemed to discover it on yer own." he added moodily.

I gulped and reluctantly followed him into his room where the lyrics to I Need You lay crumpled on the bed right where I had left them.

I sat down at the foot and George grinned awkwardly down at me.

"I wrote this late last night. It's not very good but I, uh, hope yer like it. But then I guess you've probably heard it before."

He chuckled at his joke in amusement and I frowned. His skepticism bothered me. I mean at least he had been polite about it last night but now it was just annoying. I would set him straight in a moment. He was in for a real shocker.

George picked up his twelve string from the corner and began to strum the familiar pattern of the opening.

"Feel honored, love. Yer the first person to ever hear this song." he said cockily.

And then just as he opened his big gob, pride consumed me and I began to sing the words I knew so well -loud and proud, taking them right out of his mouth.

"You don't realize how much I need you. Love you all the time and never leave you."

George's mouth dropped halfway through the first verse and he came to a halt as I continued to carry the melody on my own.

"Please come on back to me. I'm lonely as can be, I need you."

And prying the guitar from his hands, I stood and finished the song, start to finish. The very song that was written by the man who had not yet introduced it to the world (and technically wasn't supposed to till 1965).

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