🔹Author's Note 🔹

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I was a little late...sorry gang...but, see! I told you I would update!

What do we think??? Did I blow y'all's minds yet?

Also...as you'll see: I changed the year for the 400th time. If you're reading this story and are moderately new here, I apologize in advance for all the random 2016's, 2017's, 2018's, 2019's and 2020's scattered throughout this book...LOL. I started writing this guy back in 2016 and I haven't gone back through with a fine-toothed comb to make the necessary adjustments, but I promise I will fix them! This story now takes place in Wendy's time in 2019 to better suit when I was writing this (not to mention the fact that 2019 syncs up PERFECTLY with 1963 regarding days of the week, etc. which just makes things easier and all around less confusing)...it will make sense later, you'll see. I also didn't want to deal with any of the covid nonsense which obviously didn't exist when I started writing in 2016.

Also...if ya didn't already know, I have to mention that I had a SEVERE case of writer's block over the past couple of years and lacked the direction I needed to finish this book, thus why we went so long without updates. None of THIS, literally none of this would have happened without my Star Trek book I am currently writing, so Trekkie or not, you have that sucker to thank for getting me through this boy and giving me the direction I needed to finish and finish well! I've seen a lot of great time travel books on here reach the ending only to fizzle out because there was nothing left to say. I didn't want that to be the case with IWTTY and I truly wanted to finish well.

So...with that being said, I really hope that over these last, final chapters, I do just that. Because you all deserve nothing but the best and I truly love ALL of you still reading! ❤️❤️

Also Sidenote: I see that she's creeping back up the charts again under George Harrison at #14. 👀👀 LET'S DRIVE THIS SUCKER TO THE TOPPERMOST OF THE POPPERMOST, YEAH? VOTES! ARE! LOVELY! 💖💖💖

ALSO SIDENOTE SIDENOTE: PauliePie please, for the love of all things good, I just gotta ask...I beg of you...can you please please please finish your fic??? Or maybe just DM me the way the ending plays out and the answers to all my questions??? I know that I am NO ONE to talk LOL but I think we all just really want to know what happens to Grace, George and Aaron. Help me out here, y'all...IYKYK!! And if you DON'T know, there's this fantastic George fic called "Ain't She Sweet" that was out long before I ever started this boy and it has inspired me so much. Literally IWTTY wouldn't exist without hers. So...check out her book if you haven't already!

To be continued...wonder where Wendy will land next...🤔

- Ash 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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