Chapter 7 - Tell Me Why 🕒Saturday, November 2nd, 1963🕞

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I stood there for a moment in awe, trying to wrap my mind around what he'd just said. So, I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't a drunk, and I wasn't going crazy. And it was all beginning to add up. The lab, the injections, the dizziness...

"You-you mean that I'm actually here in London? In 1963?" I exclaimed, after a moment of pondering.

"Saturday, November 2nd, 1963 to be exact, the day after the day you arrived here. It is also the Saturday the 2nd back home as the calendar a-lines perfectly between 1963 and 2019. Coincidence? I think not."

"So, what am I doing here, then?" I asked, suddenly very overwhelmed and unbelievably unprepared for what he had to say.

Victor scratched at his neck nervously and averted his eyes.

"Well, er, that's just it. You see, originally, you were supposed to jump in, and we were going to warp you right back, but something happened to affect that, and we couldn't get you out."

My eyes widened.

"You mean, I'm stuck here?"

" a sense, but it's not all bad. We're working around the clock to get you back. Algernon's hard at work right this minute trying to figure things out. He was able to send me here, just temporarily, to explain to you your current situation."

"So, in other words, you're like my hologram." I joked, rolling my eyes. "Should I start calling you Al?"

He laughed, shaking his head.

"I promise you this is not Quantum Leap. Rest assured that your atoms will not be scattered back and forth like a tennis will make it back to 2019 and in one piece. Or perhaps I should say, forward to 2019." he added, with a chuckle. I groaned.

"So how long would you say that I'm going to be here for?"

Victor sighed.

"Well it's hard to say, exactly. It could be a while."

"How long is a while?"

Victor shifted uncomfortably.

"Could be a week, could be six months."

"Six months?!" I exclaimed. "How am I supposed to play around here for six months?"

"I don't know Wendy, I'm sure you'll come up with something. But - in the meantime, just keep doing what you've been doing. You're mingling with some pretty significant people here." he said, with a wink. I sighed dreamily.

"Oh boy, yeah." I mumbled, remembering George in particular, and what Jane had told me. "So, why can't you get me out again?"

Victor sighed.

"It's more complicated than you think. Did you do anything out of the ordinary when you got here?"

I looked at him like he had sprouted a third eye.

"Well, I hung out with the Beatles all day. No big thing."

He didn't find my sarcasm amusing.

"No, really. Did you do anything, anything at all that could have potentially changed history?"

"Um I don't know, Mr. Spinetti! I wasn't exactly thinking about how to mess up your experiment when I got here. I thought I was dreaming!"

"Well, be careful. You don't want to do anything that could jeopardize your chances of making it back. Have fun while you're here, get out, explore, do research, but for God's sake, do NOT in any circumstances risk destroying the time continuum or get attached, got it?"

I huffed.

"I got it. Now, what am I supposed to tell Jane? The Ashers? The Beatles? They all think I'm a bloody alcoholic for crying out loud!"

"Well, you are in swinging London. Keep playing along. Do what you need to make yourself fit in here, but don't tell them anything."

I nodded and sat myself back down on the bed. Mr. Spinetti leaned against the window.

"Well, I'll be going back any minute now." he said. I rolled my eyes. "You better hope it works."

"It will." And, just like that, he vanished. I shook my head and let out a breathless laugh. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Besides the fear in the back of my mind, this really was the chance of a lifetime. Just think, the first time-traveling machine ever was invented, and they picked me to be their first time-traveler! Me, little ole history major Wendy, college freshman. And I just happened to be at the university where it was happening. My life back home was the farthest thing from interesting, and really, I had no major attachments...nothing worth mentioning to lose. I paced around the room a bit, not in a creepy way, but just to explore. I mean, this was the bedroom of Jane Asher for crying out loud! The beautiful, talented, actress and girlfriend to Paul McCartney, who had taken me in and treated me so kindly. I picked up our bags from our shopping expedition from earlier and admired all the beautiful clothing. It was almost a dream come true for me, as I loved fashion, and particularly the colors and patterns of the 60s. I tried on my purple dress and spun around the room, laughing to myself in happiness. I couldn't stop smiling. Then, my thoughts turned to George. What if he had taken an interest in me like Jane had said? I couldn't believe it; it was just too good to be true. I decided to play it cool, and if something happened, then something happened.

After a while, I got bored, and after eating a bit of Maggie's meal, began strolling around the big, empty, house. It felt surreal knowing that this was the Asher home and after discovering Peter's room, it took all the will power inside of me not to snoop. Instead, I returned to Jane's room and lay back down on her bed. I knew she would be back soon, as would the rest of the family. As I lay there, I spotted a classical guitar sitting in the corner. I grinned, picking it up, and beginning to strum a tune. Paul has probably played this guitar before, I thought to myself. I laid back with the guitar in my lap and stared at the wall. I still could not believe that something this amazing could happen to such an ordinary girl like me.


I awoke to the slam of the front door and running of footsteps up the stairs.

"Wendy?" Jane said, popping her head in the room. I opened an eye and couldn't keep the smile from spreading across my face.

"Oh Wendy, I was so worried about you!" she exclaimed, rushing over to the bedside.

"I'm fine." I laughed, sitting up. "I must have fallen back asleep. I was up for a while after you left."

"How's your head feel?" she asked, placing her hand on it.

"It feels fine. I feel fine. How was your date with Paul?" I asked. She sighed dreamily and floated about her room.

"It was wonderful." she gushed. "But Wendy, I was worried sick about you! What happened today?"

Bless her heart. Always thinking of others. Who cares about my head, you went on a freaking date with Paul McCartney! Let's talk about that instead. I sighed. More fibs to make up, here we go.

"I'm not sure. I've been having quite a lot of fainting spells lately. I guess I was just a little light-headed."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"No, but I'm really feeling much better. I have a hunch that they'll go away soon, anyway."

"Well, I'm glad you're doing better. I was wondering if you would feel up to coming with me to E.M.I. on Monday. Paul invited me to sit in on their session again and he said you could tag along too if you'd like." My heart leaped and I could hardly contain my excitement.

"Would I?" I exclaimed. "Count me in!"

"It'll be suchfun!" Jane said. "And don't forget; George will be there." Irolled my eyes as she punched me in the arm and smirked to myself. I was stuckin the 60's...and I felt fine!

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