Chapter 39-You're Gonna Lose That Girl 🕒Thursday, November 21st, 1963🕞

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As soon as we got to John's, George said a brief greeting and made his way quickly to the kitchen, me at his heels. I knew I had to keep an eye on him, God knew what he was going to do. Once we were alone, George poured himself some wine and I rolled my eyes.

"George, please don't start already! You'll be drunk before dinner's even started!"

"Yeah that's the plan." George muttered taking a swig. "I'm falling for a gypsy chick who knows my songs better than I do and now I'm on some bloody trip and I want off!"

"Shhh quiet! Remember what I said? Not a word about this to the guys, seriously!"

George ignored me and took another drink.

"George, are you listening?" I said fiercely. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"Help yer do what? Carn't yer just consult your crystal balls?" he spat back. I groaned.

"George, please!"

He took another drink and muttered, "Look into the future with your mystic crystal ball. See if it ain't yellow, see if it's there at all."

Just as I was mulling over his Traveling Wilburys reference, we were interrupted by five curious faces staring in at us from the living room. They all looked away when they realized they'd been spotted. Ringo nodded.

"They're still at it." he commented like he'd been watching the latest soap opera. I rolled my eyes. I was really going to club him one. Paul was the one to break it up.

"Wendy love, why don't you come in and sit with us for a while, hm?" he called lightly. "Don't worry about Geo, he can take care of 'imself, ya know."

"Yeah, leave the kettle to lassie!" John said giddily. I hesitated before giving George one last reluctant look that said stay out of trouble and went obediently into the living room where John, Cyn, Paul, Ringo, and Maureen sat chatting around the coffee table. Moving to the end of the sofa, I plopped down next to Paul, across from John.

"Wendy! How good to see you!" Paul said chuckling airily. "I don't believe we ever said a proper hello!"

I smiled weakly.

"Hi Paul, sorry."

He took a sip of his tea and gave me the McCartney wink.

"No need to apologize, love."

I turned back to the kitchen to make sure George was doing alright. To my relief he had taken a break from the wine and much to be expected was munching on hor'dourves. Classic George. Feeling slightly more at ease, I turned back to my friends to find John staring at me. I gulped.

"Hi Parker." he said cheekily as though nothing had ever happened between us. I was wondering if he was going to address it but he never did so I decided to just let it be.

"Hullo John." I said dryly. He smirked.

"Nice dress."

I rolled my eyes in jest and smiled awkwardly at Cynthia who was suspiciously eyeing her lusting husband.

"Thank you for having us over." I told her kindly. She smiled and poured me some tea.

"Oh it's no bother at all! It's worth it for the lads with all the work you boys have done on the new album!"

I smiled.

"Yes congratulations! George never quite got around to telling me about that. How did things go today?"

"They went well!" Paul said evidently quite pleased with himself. "Even got one of Georgie's compositions on it." he said giving me a wink. I grinned to myself, proud of my Georgie. I turned to Paul, a thought suddenly occurring.

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