Chapter 33-You Like Me Too Much 🕒Tuesday, November 19th, 1963🕞

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I opened my eyes to morning sunlight peeping in through my Knightsbridge window.

Stretching with a yawn I stood up and looked at the clock. It was half past nine and I figured George would still be asleep after our late night baking endeavors.

Slipping into a yellow dress I quickly did my hair and makeup and walked out into the kitchen to surprise them with some waffles. It felt good to have the day off and I could tell George had planned something extra special.

Digging around in the cabinets I located a waffle maker and turned it on. I went to work mixing the dough and pouring it onto the pan and pretty soon it was sizzling away.

Next I heated the kettle and made some tea for the boys and poured myself a glass of orange juice all the while admiring the lovely 60s dishes of the Beatle residence.  

George stumbled in a moment later wearing jeans and a blue pullover. I was so used to seeing him in a suit I almost keeled over.

"Morning pet." he said smirking slightly at my expression. "Something wrong?"

I blushed and shook my head laughing.

"No it's just that I'm so used to seeing you in a suit."

George looked down cautiously.

"Do I look bad?"

"No actually you look very attractive. The jeans are...nice."

I grinned dirtily as I sniggered a little to myself. Those jeans were very nice.

George raised an eyebrow and gave me a weird look. He sat down at the table taking a whiff of the air.

"That smells heavenly. What is it?"

"Waffles." I said taking them off the griddle and forking them onto a plate. George grinned up at me as I placed it before him along with his cuppa.

"Thank yer love." he said as he opened the syrup and proceeded to dump it onto his plate. I sat down beside him and watched him eat smiling to myself. He was just so cute I literally couldn't take it. And to think he was mine.

George stopped eating long enough to return my stare.

"What are yer lookin at missy?"

I giggled.

"You're cute."

He smirked and tried to feed me a waffle which I declined. I made a face.

"It's covered in syrup."

"Wha? Yer don't like syrup?"

"It's nasty!"

At that moment Ringo wandered into the kitchen yawning loudly.

"Well look what the cat drug in!" I laughed.

"Morning Rich." George said. "Sleep well?"

Ringo growled and poured himself a cup of tea.

"I guess not. Mmkay." George turned back around and grinned.
"Give us a kiss?"

I shook my head.

"Mmm no I don't think so. Not till you wipe off your face."

George leaned in and I squealed shrinking back in horror the second his sugary lips hit mine. Then he quickly stood up.

"Go pack your stuff, we've got a long day ahead of us."

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked curiously.

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