Chapter 35-Give Me Love 🕒Tuesday, November 19th, 1963🕞

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When we arrived back at the flat we opened the door to find John lounging lazily on the sofa.

"Ho!" he called taking a long drag of his cigarette. He looked over at us and squinted. "You two look terrible. What'd yer do? Go swimming?"

"Sod off John." George said closing the door and throwing the bags down in the corner. "Where's Rich?"

"In here." a voice called from the kitchen. A second later Ringo stuck his head around the corner.

"You guys fall in the river or something?"

I looked at George and he looked at the ground.

"You could say that, yeah." I said smugly heading down the hall to fix my hair. I didn't even want to know what I looked like.

When I reached my room I could hear the three of them bickering amongst themselves mostly about George's carelessness. I took a look in the mirror and immediately walked back out. The only thing that would help was a nice hot shower and I was going to have one.

"George I'm taking a shower!" I called from down the hall. John whistled loudly and I made sure to lock the door securely upon reaching the bathroom. Then I turned on the water and lavished my time until I was warm and clean once again.

Slipping into my robe I wrapped my hair up in my towel and cautiously peeked outside. When I was sure there was no one in the hall I made a mad dash for my room only to hear George call me. Curses.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously peering around the wall to the kitchen where the three Beatles stood. They grinned up at me in unison and I rolled my eyes. George stepped towards me.

"I just wanted to see if yer were still up for, uh, having dinner."

I nodded.

"Yes that's fine but where are we going? Should I dress nice?"

"Just the robe'll do." John said from across the room. I glared him down as George turned to face his cheeky mate.

"Get out Lennon." he said opening the door. John smirked.

"I was just messin."

"Out John. Now."

John raised his hands in surrender and headed for the door winking at me on the way out. I rolled my eyes and headed back to get dressed.

A few minutes later George knocked on my door.

"Wendy are yer decent?" he asked politely. I smiled at his manners.

"Yes." He opened the door to find me curled up on the bed in one of his t-shirts and grinned.

"Let's just order something and stay in for the night, yeah? I can send Rings out for some food."

Ringo appeared in the doorway.

"What is Rings gonna do?"

George smirked.

"Go get dinner."

I laughed at Ringo's disgusted expression.

"Fine." he said sourly. "But next time it's on you."

George turned back towards me.

"What would yer like to eat?"

I shrugged.

"I dunno. I've really been craving Chinese since arriving."

George looked back at Ringo.

"Rich go get the lady some duck sauce and crab rangoon."

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