Chapter 45-World Without Love 🕒Thursday, December 12th, 1963🕞

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The rest of the month passed quickly and before I knew it, it was December. I had been in 1963 for an entire month although so much had happened and it felt like an eternity. Spending the last couple weeks at work, my nights were spent out with George having the time of our life.

December brought many new and exciting changes including Paul. It brought him to our doorstep one morning luggage and all grinning like a lost puppy as he had decided to move in with the Ashers. He and Jane had been kicking around the idea for a while and had finally decided to take the next step in their relationship. Although I was happy for them and should have anticipated our new house guest, I didn't know how to feel since Paul and I hadn't exactly talked alone since the night everything had gone haywire. I decided it best to just give him some time and space as history had it written he was supposed to be there and I wasn't.

I hadn't set foot in the studio since the incident with John or spoken with him either but deemed him worthy of friendship once again after the party...a cautious friendship at that. At any rate the lads had been making themselves scarce as they were hard at work preparing for travel. January would commence the big tour as they would start in Paris and by February, work their way up to Sullivan...they just didn't know it yet. However it wasn't only the Beatles who were on the cusp of success.

"Miss Wendy Parker: London's New Sweetheart...goodbye Jean, hello Wendy." Paul announced one morning later in the week as he opened the morning paper. He raised an eyebrow at me. "That's quite the statement, isn't it love?"

"Let me see that!" I chided grabbing the paper from his hands. I grimaced.

Vogue had just released their newest issue and happened to be quite an issue at that.  Not only was it the first publication to include my modeling but I was plastered everywhere...including the front cover.

"What do you make of that?" Paul pressed, leaning in to give me a smirk.

"Victor's gonna love it." I mumbled.

"Hmmm?" Paul hummed, leaning back against his chair just as John entered the Asher residence.

"The new issue's out. Georgie bought 17." he announced smugly.

"Yes, so we know. Trendy Wendy made the cover!" Paul beamed up at me as I rolled my eyes trying hard not to blush at the unwanted attention the two of them were bringing me.

"Oh, hush." I said looking away.

"But Wendy this is so exciting!"Jane exclaimed entering the dining room with a kettle of tea. "You're a star!"

I smiled at the ground. This was exactly what I had been afraid of. I had known for some time I was going to have to quit that agency but apparently not soon enough. That Summer girl had been out of the picture for too long. I had to get out of this trap before I became the public's new sweetheart.

John strolled into the kitchen. He had come to pick up Paul for a day of work at the studio and seemed to want something.

"John, would you like some breakfast?" Jane offered. He shook his head, his eyes focusing instead on me. They stayed there and lingered for a while.

"Just come to collect Macca. Paul, ready?" John asked curtly. Paul nodded as he stood up and buttoned his coat.

"Goodbye love." he said kissing Jane for entirely too long. John and I made awkward eye contact and I looked at the floor. He seemed to be lost in a daze as his eyes searched mine for a moment after, making me glad to see him go.


"No, no, no! You're not listening to me, stupid! You've got it in the wrong bloody key!"

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