Chapter 41-Nowhere Girl 🕒Friday, November 22nd, 1963🕞

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I was startled by the sound of lightning. Snapping open my eyes, I found myself sprawled out on the park bench realizing in detest that I had fallen asleep. It was dark out now and had started to rain.

Sitting up, I groaned as my aching body cried out in agony. I shook my head in disappointment. If I ever wanted to return to the future, I had to get up and get as far away as possible. I had to keep moving.

Wrapping my coat tightly around me, I quickened my pace down the road as the rain fell softly. People all around me crowded into taxis and huddled under umbrellas. I kept on walking, not wanting to chance anymore contact for the night. Maybe if I detached myself temporarily Victor would be able to get me back.

Lost in thought, I didn't look where I was going and almost ran out in front of a taxi. He blared his horn at me and I slowly stepped back, too emotionally drained to care.

I didn't know what time it was or where I was. I didn't even know where it was I was going. None of that seemed to matter now as I just pressed on. All I knew was I had to keep walking even though there was a little voice inside my head telling me to stay.

After about twenty minutes of mindless walking, I glanced at a clock in a store window which read 2:27 and wiped my tired eyes. It was the middle of the night and I was wandering the streets of London. Alone. I cursed to myself at my lack of wisdom as my survival state began to kick in, finally starting to think straight for the first time all evening. I had to get somewhere safe for the night, just till I got some rest, or kip as the lads would have said, and could be on my feet again.

I glanced around, spotting a hotel on the corner. Perfect. Digging my pockets, I sighed in relief remembering the money George had given me earlier in the day leftover from shopping. I knew hotels were cheaper back then so I would hopefully have enough for one night.

Quickening my pace, I took each step with renewed strength and purpose as sleep was beckoning.

Once in the lobby, I quickly asked the man at the front desk for a room and paid, wearily making my way up to the third floor.

I entered a cozy looking room and turned out the lights, which was the last thing I remember doing before passing out on the bed. Then, there was an overwhelming sense of darkness.


I was falling. Falling from what I can't say but it was a feeling I'd never experienced before. The closest thing I can relate it to is when you are almost asleep and your body suddenly lurches like you've just been dropped. But this was more like a constant dropping, over and over, continuously.

I could sense other things all around me at different wavelengths and frequencies. It was almost as if I was falling through time and space, with no single dimension. Then, it was as if I was being pulled backwards, then forwards, then backwards in time, images flashing by of my life before my eyes.

And suddenly, I felt myself nearing my destination and everything began to slow as a peculiar sense of deja vu began to overtake me. I had been here before. I was almost certain.

And then, I became fully conscious as I was whisked into the lab, everything the same as it had been nearly a month before only it felt as if no time had passed at all.  

All five senses seemed to be registering normally as I could nearly smell the medicinal scents of the lab, and feel the pulsations of the electrodes through my body. However, something wasn't right because it was almost as if I were still dreaming. I could see Victor and Algernon talking to me but I couldn't hear what they were saying. They seemed to be blocked by some barrier.

And that's when I realized I could still hear the sounds of the radiator in the hotel room and sense the softness of my bed. I couldn't be dreaming could I? The lab seemed too real to be a dream and yet there I was, lying in my hotel room. It was as if I were stuck between two worlds, two different dimensions of time.

That's when a third vision became apparent to me and it was like I had developed some kind of sonar for in the distance, I could see George walking. He was by himself and appeared to be looking for someone, seeming very upset. And then I heard him calling. "Wendy! Wendy! Where are yer?"

My heart leapt. Me, I thought. He's looking for me. If only I could see George again, just once. If only I had been wrong about him. If only there was some way to fix this mess, some way for us to have more time to spend together.

Time, I thought. For Pete's Sake there is a time machine. I have all the time in the world.

And just as I thought this, I began to lose sight of the lab before me. Victor began to fade away and very faintly I could hear him calling, "Concentrate! Wendy! We're losing you!"

And very real hot tears poured from my eyes as I felt myself falling back into a void of darkness. I was slipping back and forth from consciousness to unconsciousness and I was scared. Somewhere in my conscious state, my vision returned to George who was sitting by the Thames River, with his head in his hands.

Such a poor lost young man. So confused and so naive to where his career would take him. And such a follower of the older lads, a sucker for getting into trouble. He didn't mean to be like that. I knew he was just as soft at heart. He only hid it to appear macho because he wanted the lads' respect. He wanted to be like them. He wanted to belong. And then I realized how much in common George and I really were. How could I stay angry with him forever?

And in that instance, I knew that if I was stuck in between time I had to make up my mind.

Please God, I begged. I'm not ready to go back. Please.

And just like that, the falling ceased, the visions stopped, and my sonar came to a halt as I found myself lying on my back in the hotel room, everything the same as before.

Tears of relief streamed down my face as I sat up quickly, looking out the window. A tiny bit of sunshine peeped its way in. It was just past dawn. It had been a long night but I now felt the world was at my command and just like before, realized exactly what I had to do. Standing up and grabbing my key, I headed out to go find George.

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