Chapter 29-I'm Only Sleeping 🕒Sunday, November 17th, 1963🕞

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"It's time." the voice echoed in the air, waking me from my sleep. I shook my head frantically.

"No, no! I'm not ready!"

"It doesn't matter what you want." The voice responded angrily. "It's for the money -the publicity. I'm going to make millions -rule the world! But you must go back."

"I can't go back!" I cried. "I love him!"

"You'll love the day you are born!" the voice boomed as a gust of cold air swept through the room and began to shape into a tornado. "Now, do as I say. Go back."

"I won't!" I screamed, clutching onto my bedpost as the wind accelerated rapidly.

"Wendy!" George cried, entering the room and extending his arm towards me. "Yer can't go back yet, yer belong here!"

"She belongs in the future!" the voice shouted as a large finger appeared and pointed at me. "Go back!"

"No!" I screamed.



"WENDY!" George yelled, lunging forward.

Suddenly, they were all there, lunging forward, reaching out for me: George, John, Paul, Ringo, and Jane.

"GO BACKKKK!" boomed the voice, shaking the house. They began to disappear, Jane first and then the others.

"NO!" I yelled as I watched them go. A shot rang out and I screamed as John slumped to the floor.


Then, George began to choke, unable to revive himself as he lost the ability to breathe.

"GEORGE!" I screamed, covering my eyes in terror. They all disintegrated into dust as the voice began to laugh cruelly.

I stared ahead in horror as smoke leaked from a large cigarette, covering the room with its toxic fumes. I coughed, breathing in acid and felt myself getting smaller and smaller as the voice continued to laugh.

"Algernon, we are going to rule the world!"

I tried to yell but my lungs were clogged and the room was growing and shrinking every second as it spun faster and faster.

Suddenly, I lurched forward, gasping for air as I looked around wildly. No large fingers, no LSD, no angry Victor. It was the middle of the night and I lay peacefully in the spare bedroom at Knightsbridge in good ole 1963.

I breathed in a great sigh, relief overtaking my body as I sat up, wiping the sweat off my forehead. It wasn't too late; everything was fine. And suddenly everything became clear to me in that single moment and I finally knew what I had to do. It may not have been what they had planned for or wanted back in 2016, but in my heart I knew it was right and I couldn't stand it any longer.

Throwing off the covers, I tiptoed quietly across the hall, and to George's room. I took a nervous breath as I stood outside, knocking softly.

"George?" I whispered, peering cautiously inside to find him lying on his side, his mouth hinged open slightly. He stirred a little and opened an eye, squinting into the dark.

"Who is it?" he growled.



I heard him sigh and roll over.

"What do yer want?" his muffled voice sounded lifeless. "Are yer here to reject me?"

I gulped and looked down in despair. He groaned and covered his face in his pillow miserably.

"Ohhhhh my head..."

Poor guy. Like Ringo had said, he was probably suffering a terrible hangover.

"Please, George." I said, gently. "Let me in here."

After a minute of lying unconsciously on the bed, he rolled back over and squinted at the clock, grumbling slightly.

"Bloody 'ell! It's 3 AM!" he cried, dropping back down on the bed. I pushed the door open and entered slowly, kneeling down at his side. He whimpered softly.

"Please...just go away..."

"But George, I want to talk to you."

"No yer don't. Yer better off without me."

"Don't say that, you haven't even heard what I'm going to say."

"Go back..." he mumbled, head still in his pillow, refusing to look me in the eye. My heart stopped, the harsh familiarity of his words cutting into my mind.


"Yer heard me! Go back!" he said, raising his head and his voice slightly. My eyes widened as I rushed to shut the door.

"Shush! You'll wake up Ringo!"

"I don't care." he muttered, dropping his head back down. I heaved a frustrated sigh as I moved to extremes.

Snapping on the lights, I threw off his covers and removed the pillow from his head, revealing a very pained man sprawled out on the bed in pajamas.

"Arrrrggghhhh!" he yelled, covering his eyes. I immediately snapped the lights back off, forgetting about his head.

"Now are you ready to listen?" I asked, joining him on the edge of his bed. He moaned and for the first time all night, I felt him look at me in the darkness. I sighed, moving in closer.

"First of all, I think we need to establish that there has been a large misconception on your part and a terrible mistake on mine."
I sensed him waiting patiently for me to continue, so I went on. "I'm not angry with you, George...never have been. It's just that I was a little confused with myself and what I wanted and..."


"Aaaaand I'm very sorry about what happened last night."

I felt him shuffle closer, his breathing quickening. I sighed.

"Oh George, I didn't mean to run off like that, honest! I was scared and unprepared and I didn't know how to react."

I felt him reach out and touch my hand, trembling slightly and I smiled, his little gesture boosting my confidence greatly.
Now came the hard part.

"George." I said, gulping a little. We sat in silence for a moment until he leaned forward in anticipation.

"George, I can explain. And I'm going to try although I don't quite know how..."

I could sense him furrowing his brow in confusion as we sat there in silence, me pondering how to break it to him slowly and him wondering what it was I had to tell him until I came to the conclusion that really, there was no good way.

I moved to face him full on, taking his hands in mine. Breathing rapidly into the darkness, I reached my decision. This was it and there was no going back.

"George." I said gently, taking a deep breath. "I'm from the future."

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