Chapter 26-I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 🕒Saturday, November 16th, 1963🕞

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Saturday night hit like a freight train. I was nervous as heck, for multiple reasons the most obvious being I had no idea what to expect at something like this. I had never been to a country club before, or anything along the lines of successful celebrities attending their own party.

I glanced in the mirror, forcing a smile as Jane entered. She had loaned me one of her formal dresses, a black sleeveless a-line which swooped way down in the back and had a sweetheart cut in the front. The top was covered in sequins and particularly itchy, but I found it satisfying and very sexy so I wasn't going to complain.

"You look beautiful, Wendy!" she gasped, smiling energetically.

"Thanks." I murmured as I clasped my necklace and made last minute touches to my hair and makeup. "What time are they coming?"

"Any minute now." Jane answered, twirling around in her own black dress, which was form-fitting and covered in lace. George and Paul would be picking us up as we were all going together, much to my relief. I honestly didn't think I could handle being alone with George for very long knowing we would soon have to part -maybe for forever.

The doorbell rang and Jane and I quickly made our way out and into the hall. I put on my fur coat and grabbed my purse, following close behind as Jane opened the door.

"Evening, ladies." Paul said, stepping forward to kiss his girl. George hung back a bit awkwardly, giving me a little wave. They were both dressed in matching ties and tuxes, very handsome indeed. I couldn't help but smile as my eyes lingered on George for a little too long.

"Ready to go?" Paul asked, turning to head to his car. We nodded and followed, Jane climbing in the front and George and I in the back.

"Are yer excited?" George asked, trying to make conversation as I must have seemed unusually quiet. I shrugged, managing a weak smile.

"I guess so."

We rode on for a bit, listening to Paul and Jane carrying on from the front and I closed my eyes, trying so hard not to fall apart so soon. I wrapped myself in my fur, trying to hide my insecurities as I shrunk down into my seat. Honestly, all I wanted to do was curl up in a dark hole and die -a party was the last thing I had planned.

"Wendy?" George asked, breaking my moment of peace.

"Hm?" I asked, looking up cautiously. George furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yer aren't mad at me, are yer?"

I gulped.

"Oh no, George, of course not. Why would I be mad at you?"

He studied me briefly.

"I don't know. Yer just acting so..." he trailed off into a confused state and I sat up and faced him quickly.

"I'm not mad at all. I'm just a little tired, this modeling job has been wiping me out." I lied, swallowing and facing forward.

George seemed to relax a bit, and nodded.

"Oh, right." he said. "So, how is that going for yer? Do yer like it?"

I nodded, and made a mental note to stay in good spirits through the first part of the night so no one would have reason to believe anything was wrong.

We arrived a minute or so later, and all climbed out to discover a gorgeous looking lawn stretching before a large and luxurious home.

"This is a very lovely place." I remarked, walking alongside George and the others. "Have you been here before?"

Paul nodded.

"Not frequently, but we have, yes. Brian has invited us to dances here before."

Dances. The word had registered in my mind before, but I hadn't given it much thought until then.
"D-dances?" I choked, gazing up at Paul in question, who, I will admit, looked very lovely in the moonlight.

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