Chapter 8 - Do You Want to Know a Secret? 🕒Monday, November 4th, 1963🕞

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I spent the following glorious Sunday exploring London. My time downtown proved to be very fulfilling as I had decided to spend the day researching and further exploring the city by myself. It really was incredible and never ceased to amaze me every time I walked outside. I popped in and out of record stores, cafes, and museums. I was thoroughly enjoying and drinking it all in and didn't realize that I had been gone all day till it started to get dark out and the streets were lit around me at which point, I headed back home, not wanting to get lost.

I loved London at night. It was so pretty and I didn't mind the hustle and bustle around me, I found it rather exciting. I had always wanted to live in London since I was a little girl and there I was, experiencing it firsthand in 1963. The only other place I wanted to go to was Paris, and now, anything seemed possible. I stopped at a small art gallery on the way home and paused, admiring all the beautiful paintings.

Once I arrived back, I spent the evening getting better acquainted with the Ashers. The more time I spent with them, the more I realized just how lucky I was, and how kind and thoughtful they had been to a stranger in a foreign land.

Monday morning came quickly and to say I was beyond ecstatic to go back to the studio was an understatement. I awoke early to sunlight streaming in through Jane's window, which was rare in London it seemed. I was up way before Jane and tiptoed quietly from her room, careful not to wake her. Making my way down the hall slowly, I crept to the bathroom to shower. Nice as they were, it was still extremely awkward living, sleeping, and showering in a house with people I didn't actually know; much like an Airbnb or a bed and breakfast except for the fact that I was traveling through time itself to stay there. Maggie had been very kind and nothing but gracious, but Mr. Asher was rather distant and I had only spoken a couple words to him as well as Peter and the rest of the family.

Just as I was stepping into the shower, I heard someone stir and hoped I wasn't waking anyone. I stood under the warm, running, water and sighed in contentment. I was not one to go a day without showering and this had been especially challenging for me. As I scrubbed, I hummed a little tune, which turned into Nobody I Know. I wasn't even thinking about what I was singing until I heard a voice on the other side of the curtain say, "That's a catchy lil tune."

I jumped out of my skin and let out a little squeal as I snapped the water off and peered cautiously out to find Peter standing by the mirror, combing his hair. I hadn't even heard him come in.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I snapped, rather annoyed that he'd just walk in. His eyes widened and then the connection was made.

"I-I'm so sorry...I thought you were my sister." he said, backing away slowly. I let out a long sigh and couldn't refrain from smiling a little.

"It's alright, you just scared me. It is your bathroom after all." I said, turning the water back on. "Here, I'll be finished in a minute..."

"No, no, you just take your time." he said, exiting quickly. I snickered and wrapped it up a few moments later, stepping out and drying off quickly. I made my way back down the hall in just a towel, praying to God I wouldn't bump into anyone.

"It's all yours, mate!" I called over my shoulder. I returned to find Jane up and adam.

"I had a lovely encounter with your brother just now." I said, laughing.

"Oh, no. What'd he do this time?"

"He walked in on me while I was in the shower. Said he thought it was you."

She rolled her eyes. "Or he just wanted to do some investigating, the peeping tom. He really asked for it this time."

I threw on some new slacks and a blouse I had picked out while shopping, and quickly got ready. Raiding the kitchen, we grabbed a light breakfast and were off for E.M.I., after a short goodbye to Maggie. We strolled in a few moments later, to find the boys back at it again, just as they were the day I arrived.

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