Chapter 14 - Dizzy Miss Lizzy 🕒Thursday, November 7th, 1963🕞

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The following morning, I awoke with a tremendous headache, caused by none other than my nutty physics professor himself. Tomorrow would mark one week since my arrival, and I had been painfully reminded of this just last night as Mr. Spinetti had paid me yet another visit as a hologram after John and Paul had gone home. He had come prepared with a tremendous number of drilling questions as well as to inform me that they weren't having any luck at getting me out. He kept on repeatedly asking if I had done anything to change things and my mind kept reeling with thoughts and an uncertainness that grew more and more with every passing day I spent back in time.

"You've been here for almost a week!" he exclaimed, like I didn't know that, like it was my problem and not his.

"Yes." I said sarcastically. "What would you like me to do about it?"

"Do about it?! Wendy, you're acting as if you're enjoying this! Do I have to remind you that you don't belong here??!"

I don't know why his words had sounded so harsh. I don't know why I found them so shocking either, but when he said that I completely lost it.

"LISTEN to me. You're the scientist here, not I. You're the one who got me stuck here in the first place and you're the one who's going to get me out. If you don't get me out, they're going to file a lawsuit bigger than your head. If you do get me out, I'll probably be coming back because maybe I do enjoy it here. Maybe I like the people I've met. Maybe I'm a human being to them, not just a guinea pig in a lab experiment!" I snapped. Mr. Spinetti hung his head.

"I know that Wendy, and believe me, I am sorry." he said. "We're doing everything we can." He disappeared a moment later and I sighed in relief. The scary thing was, that I had almost forgotten that I didn't belong there. It was so strange and, quite literally, I tried not to think about the future.

On a brighter note, my headache was forgotten momentarily as Jane mischievously sauntered into the bedroom, a large smirk covering her face and her hands holding something behind her back.

"You'll never guess what just came!" she sang, jumping up on the bed.

"What?" I asked, rolling over to face her. My eyes widened when I saw. She shoved another bouquet of roses at me, and this time, they were gorgeous white ones.

"Again?" I asked, sitting up and taking them. She nodded eagerly.

"Read what it says!" she giggled. I looked down at the label which read: I've known a secret for a week or two. I smiled widely and shook my head.

"Ok, that does it. He is such a sweetheart!"

"I've known a secret for a week or two, but everybody knows, the lads, Jane tooooo!" Jane sang.

I laughed and climbed out of bed, all thoughts of Spinetti and my future troubles dissipating momentarily, replaced with thoughts of George.

"C'mon, let's get ready."

"We don't want to be late today, do we?" she added with little smirk. I rolled my eyes and quickly stepped into a pretty, white shift dress I had found on our shopping expedition. It was sleeveless, lace, and probably the cutest and daintiest thing I had ever worn. I honestly loved 60s fashion so much; why did everything have to be so trashy in the future?

When we reached EMI, the boys were already rehearsing I Want to Hold Your Hand. It sounded wonderful! George had added the lead and Ringo's build on the drums was the perfect touch.

"That sounded great!" I exclaimed upon walking in. John gave me a thumbs up and set his guitar down.

"Coffee break." he announced, walking over to greet us.

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