Chapter 43: Decision Made

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-(Y/N) POV-

Two days have passed since we were given our offers from hero agencies and on the last day before we start our internship which everyone was pretty pumped up about. A lot if not everyone already turned in their forms while I haven't turned mine in. Sure I kinda know who I want to intern with but every time I'm about to turn it in I always second guess myself if interning under her would be a good fit, then there's the tempting offer from Mt. Lady. After she sent me that picture and my little 'reward' she promised, I couldn't get the thought out of my head and almost wanted to accept her offer because of that or until I found out who Mineta decided to intern at. Of course, he decided to accept Mt. Lady's offer, which left me horrified that she would send him one in the first place, should've sent her a warning on who to avoid. When I heard he was interning with her I kinda wanted to accept her offer to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything perverted due to his... nature. But I didn't and continued to look through the list a few times to see if there were other options until I was given an updated list that had only a small handful of different names and some I don't see anymore. As I looked through the list my eyes widened when I saw one name that I wasn't expecting to see at all and a bit of a shock, Endeavor. Then again, I think he sent me one to give him an excuse to fry me after our first meeting but I will admit, I can see myself interning under him... if he didn't want to kill me that is so I threw his offer down the drain immediately. After a good day and a half, I narrowed my list as best as I could if I changed my mind on my original offer before the day ends. Right now we were in the middle of lunch, seated in the large yet crowded cafeteria with me, the girls, and some of the guys at one table. The only missing is Iida who's been rather quiet and isolated himself recently and has been mostly being by himself which has raised some concerns from Ochaco and Izumi.

"So you all already turned in your offers?" I asked everyone at the table.

"Yup, I'm interning under the Battle Hero: Gunhead!" Ochaco announced excitedly.

"Really? I thought you would intern under someone like Thirteen since that's the hero you're trying to be?"

"Yes I am but after fighting Bakugo I realize I need to a lot more if I need to keep up with the class and if I can do that, think of the possibilities I'll have!" She exclaimed as I chuckled.

"What about the rest of you?" I asked some of the others.

"Well, I'm interning under Uwabami the Snake Hero, Kirishima accepted an offer from Fourth Kind, Jiro with Death Arms, and Tsuyu is going with Selkie." Momo began.


"The hero that looks like a seal." Izumi answered.

"Oh that guy, that's a good choice Tsu since he works in maritime missions and with your quirk being quite amphibious similar to his I'm sure you'll learn a lot." I explained.

"Yes... that's what I was thinking." She said as the girls simply stared at me.

"What? I've known Izumi all my life, I picked up a thing or two about quirk analysis, probably not as thorough as her but enough." I defended myself while Izuku let out a cheeky chuckle with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"What about you (Y/N)?" Ochaco asked.

"I... I haven't turned mine in yet." I nervously answered.

"You do know they're due tomorrow right?" Momo asked concerningly.

"I know but I'm just going through all my options to see which one is best suited for me and it doesn't help that I have a lot of offers." I explained."

"Yet Todoroki and Katsuki turned theirs in on the first day and they had more offers than you." Jiro pointed out, with her ear jacks pointing at me rather threateningly.

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