Chapter 9: Quirk Assesment Test

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Phew! This chapter actually took me time to write and it didn't help that Wattpad wasn't letting me upload the chapter. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the chapter!

-(Y/N) POV-

"What do you mean last place gets expelled?! But this is our first day, why would you expel us for low performing? Isn't that a little to harsh and unfair?" Ochaco asked worriedly.

"Life isn't fair." Aizawa said bluntly. "You see, natural disasters, major accidents, selfish villains using their quirk to harm others. We can never predict these things so it is our jobs as heroes to be the ones to reverse the situation. So for the next three years UA will give you all hardships one after another. Now with that out of the we can begin and remember, go beyond, Plus Ultra." Aizawa said calmly but had a small grin.

I looked around to see everyone looking determined ready for this to prove that they all belong here, but I also noticed they were all worried. Probably because if one of us will be expelled if we come in last place. Though I noticed the Izumi was determined herself but was also nervous because like everyone, doesn't want to be last place but out of everyone she's the only that doesn't have full control of her quirk. As I looked around I saw a black haired girl whose hair was in a ponytail looking rather calmer than everyone. 'I think she knows something.' I thought suspiciously before I felt my cheeks warm up as my eyes trailed down to see she has such a mature body. I snapped out of it and slapped myself remembering I'm dat by Izumi and it's just hormones talking. But just when I snapped out of it the girl felt like something was watching her as she looked over to see that I was staring at her. We both made eye contact for a few moments before our cheeks flustered and looked away from each other.

"That was awkward." I muttered embarrassingly.

"What was awkward?" Izumi asked as she narrowed her eyes at me as she look past me to see the black hair girl looking away but was taking a few glances at me. "Your not looking at other women are you?" She asked hostile as I nervously chuckled.

"W-What? Of course not! I-I would never eye other girls, my eyes are glued onto you." I said nervously as she simply narrowed her eyes at me before I saw the class walk away and decided to chance a subject. "Oh look! Everyone is going we should follow them!" I said quickly and quickly walked away. Izumi is very sweet and shy but whenever she catches me eyeing other girls or they flirt with me, she tends to completely turns 180 and becomes hostile and aggressive.

"Oh no you don't!" She shouted at me and jumped on my back holding my neck tightly gaining some chuckles from the class.

"You two knock it off. We're about to begin the first test so calm down or I'll just expel you here and now." Aizawa said bluntly casing me and Izumi to calm down as she let go and we both felt embarrassed as most of the class looked at us.

"S-Sorry." We both said as I then noticed where we were at and saw something familiar behind Aizawa, it looked like a 50-meter dash track.

"Good." He said tiredly before looking back at the rest of the class. "Now for the first test we will have 50-meter dash." I was right. "For our first match up we'll have Tsuyu Asui against Tenya Iida."

I watch as Iida lined up and a girl with long, dark sea-green hair which she ties in a bow on her back. She has very wide eyes with pure black irises and distinctive lower eyelashes. I noticed that her appearance resembles a frog, guess her appearance involves her quirk. They both lined up before running and surprise to see Iida run with intense speed as he finished the 50-meter dash in 3.04 seconds as the frog girl finished it in 5.58 seconds. The first test went pretty fast as I watched everyone did the test with Ochaco getting 7.15 seconds, then Mina got 5.50 seconds and faced off against against some blonde hair boy who is a douche in my opinion. Then the next one was with Izumi against Katsuki, I got a little concern as Katsuki gave her a death glare before taking off and using her quirk and got a 4.13 seconds while Izumi got 7.02 seconds. I knew she could've gotten a better record if she used her quirk but I remembered what happened to her when she didn't and that she doesn't have full control, and if she would've used her quirk she would have harmed herself.

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