Chapter 21: Attack on USJ Part 2

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Sorry for the wait everyone, been a little distracted as of lately mainly with video games I've bought or replaying for old times sake to try to pass the time while in quarantine. I always tell myself after another hour I'll do some writing and next thing I know it's been more than an hour. And if it's not video games then it's usually watching a lot of YouTube Videos or watching movies and shows, most of them being I haven't seen in years or been wanting to watch. Or until recently I got myself a new puppy after a few months ago my old dog passed away. I missed having that little energy around me and my place felt too empty, so I'm going to have my hands full with the little guy, he is and he's a Doxiepoo, half Dachshund and half Poodle.

But other than that I'll try to balance things out since I'm sure you all were waiting for an update and hate keeping you all waiting so here it is and I'll be updating my others stories, but hope you all enjoy! And also with everything going on h...

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But other than that I'll try to balance things out since I'm sure you all were waiting for an update and hate keeping you all waiting so here it is and I'll be updating my others stories, but hope you all enjoy! And also with everything going on hope you all are staying safe!


-(Y/N) POV-

"You're... You're my father?" I asked in shock, all my life I always wondered who and where my father was, but every time I tried to dig up information or ask she either ignored a subject or forced me to stop looking. But now I can see why seeing how my so called father broke into USJ, killed a bunch of villains, sure they were villains but they didn't deserve to die and not like that, it didn't help that he attacked my classmate who was unconscious.

"Yes, didn't your mother ever tell you about me?" He asked with a dark grin.

"N-No... She was always so secret about you, not even giving me any breadcrumbs about you or about anything really... but now I know why." I said as he simply chuckled taking a few steps forward while I took a few steps back to keep the distance.

"Oh don't be scared of me my son, I only want to talk." He chuckled before firing a lighting blast at me but turned my body into smoke as it went right through me.

"This doesn't sound like talking!" I shouted and dodged another blast from my so-called father before I found myself behind rubble.

"Well this is how I talk, but really we have some much to talk about, so much catching up... to do!" He shouted, firing another lightning at me as I quickly jumped away as it struck the rubble.

"Yeah, really enjoying our talk so far." I said sarcastically before firing a high heated smoke blast at him but he easily evaded them.

Seeing how I wasn't hitting him I then covered the area in smoke, making it difficult for him to see me. Once the area was covered, he looked around the smoke a bit confused but had a small smile on his face. I then emerged from the smoke in front of him, giving him a good right hook in the face... or so I thought. He didn't seem to budge with the only thing I did was move his head as he then turned his head back, looking at me with a smirk wiping off the small blood from his lips before kicking me in the gut, sending me sliding across the ground out of the smoke cloud. I groaned in pain, clenching my gut as I got back on my feet, not before coughing out some blood and looking back at my 'father' who walked out of the dispersing smoke cloud with a grin on his face.

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