Chapter 47: Intense Training~(Lemon)

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I may have gotten a little overboard on this one or at least tried to, see how far I can push the explicitly but at the same time had to hold myself back. Seeing how it's been quite a while since I've done a lemon so I wanted to go big but still had to hold myself back. One thing I want to mention to you all before you read is I created an AO3 account, same name so it's easier to find me, though K will add a link to my bio when I update it. I created it not after a few writers I follow got their accounts deleted so I created it not only as a backup but I also a place to a place to create more mature and explicit stories there without having to worry about getting deleted, like here on Wattpad. Even when we have the story rated at Mature a lot of stories and writers are taken down, and when I read a few stories on there, well, if they were on here they wouldn't last long. Currently, I have nothing there but maybe in the future, I'll write a stories there, some more explicit since I have a few ideas. Other than that little rant I hope you all enjoy the chapter!


-(Y/N) POV-

After visiting Ryukyu's Agency, me and Mirko patrol the city for a good few hours but nothing really big happened during our patrol. I mean there was a thief that stole a purse from an elderly woman but she was quick to deal with that and made the man cry when she delivered a nut-shattering kick that made me and all men spectators cringe and cover our own crotches. But other than that nothing really happened and she said that's usually most days with some thugs here and there, which makes sense since there are so many heroes around that it's hard for crooks to commit a crime since they are most likely to run into an active hero. So pretty much during our patrol we just walked around, hung out, talked to each other, went to a few stores, grabbed some lunch, just having some fun and enjoying our time together... kinda like a date now that I think about it. We did get stopped a few times by some fans, which I was a bit surprised to see I had fans to begin with or more so fangirls more specifically and Mirko with fanboys. It made us a bit uncomfortable for me at least while Mirko was annoyed at the fans, at least towards the fangirls who were smothering me before having enough and yanking me away and running off from the fans. Not too long after the whole fan fiasco we noticed the sun was beginning to set and decided to call it for the day and made our way back to her apartment but not before we grabbed something to eat. As soon as we got back she made me do some training and after a pretty short yet intense workout session, here we are in her gym room ready for a spar session before calling it for the night.

"Are you ready for a quick spar before calling it a day?" Rumi asked with a smirk on her face, dressed in her gym outfit, her tan skin coat with a thin layer of sweat, and getting into a fighting stance.

"Yup, you ready to finally lose?" I playfully asked, completely shirtless showing off my well-defined muscles that grew a bit over the internship, her intense workout regimen is really paying off. I simply had on gray thin sweatpants with my body covered in sweat, more so than Rumi as she smiled at my response.

"Like the attitude." She simply said before lunging at me.

She swiped her leg at me which I was quick to duck from her kick before she quickly recovered and launched another kick at me. This time I wasn't quick enough and was forced to block her kick with my forearm, sending me sliding across the floor but still stood my ground. Rumi didn't let up as she charged again and launched a barrage of kicks at me which made me go on the defensive by dodging and blocking her kicks. As she continued her onslaught, I spotted an opening and took the chance to strike and gave her gut a quick jab, which caught her by surprise, and stumbled back a bit. Rumi narrowed her eyes for a moment at me before her expression softened and smirked before charging at me again as we both began to exchange hits. The spar continued for a good half an hour with us exchanging blows, our bodies a bit battered for wear, our bodies covered in sweat, both of us breathing heavily as we stared each other down across from each other. Deciding to put an end to this, Rumi charged at me using her incredible speed thanks to her quirk and reeled back her right arm before throwing a right hook at me. I smirked to myself as I knew she would go on the offensive to try and end the spar and if the whole week of getting my ass handed to me taught me one thing about her, she's aggressive and always goes for the win... kinda reminds me of Katsuki... okay a lot like her. As she threw the right hook at my face I stepped back as her fist flew right past my face and her eyes slowly widened in shock that I was quick enough to react. I grabbed hold of her arm, putting it over my shoulder before using my strength to lift her over my shoulders and slamming her onto the ground. Rumi let out a loud painful groan as a loud thud echoed in the room, before she can get back up I quickly got on her, grabbed her wrists pinned her onto the ground with a proud and victorious smirk on my face.

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