Chapter 48: Back To School

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-(Y/N) POV-

"That's pretty much how my internship went..." I told Izumi as we made our way to UA as she gave me a bemused look while I braced myself for her to explode at me.

Me and her decided to meet up before we head out to UA to grab some coffee, the others sadly couldn't make it, stating after a hard working week they wanted to catch some sleep so it was one of the now rare times where me and Izumi can spend some time together alone. We simply talked about our time during our internship or more so her telling a more in-depth story of what happened with Stain and the Nomu's, along with who she interned with, which I saw her simply shake in fear when she talked about the man. After finishing our coffee I decided to come clean and tell her everything that happened with my internship with Mirko and the turn it took at the end, though I did lie to her about the sex by leaving out that it lasted for more than a day straight. The last thing I want to do is make her and the girls feel a bit insecure and determined to one-up the pro hero by any means necessary. Christ, I barely made it through that one day, and if they wanted to one-up Rumi, I'd most likely die. Death by snu snu, what a way to go out... Though to my surprise, she didn't lash out anything, or at least she was and was just holding her as she let out a loud sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration and annoyance.

"I knew this would happen, I don't know why I was surprised." She muttered in annoyance.

"I mean, you do know how much of a fan I was of her."

"Which made screwing her all the more easier correct?" She glared at me.

"...Yes..." I admitted, letting out a small nervous chuckle as her gaze softened and let out a small disappointed sigh.

"God I don't know whether to be impressed that you managed to get with Mirko of all people or mad that you added her to our already large and crazy relationship." Izumi grumbled out as I simply chuckled, placing my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me.

"Well if it helps ease your mind, she's the only pro heroine that you girls have to worry about so there's no need to feel threatened by her." I said reassuringly only for her to let out a small sigh.

"But knowing your luck that seems highly unlikely."

"I mean, it's not my fault that girls seem to be attracted to me and my charms." I boasted playfully, earning a soft groan from her. "Though it doesn't help that the whole world saw me practically naked, and just found out I have a fan club that consists of a bunch of horny women which I regret taking a peak at..." I shivered at all the disturbing talks I read after getting curious and wanting to see how my fan club is, only to read just nothing but filth and surprisingly lewd drawing of me. Not even a pro yet and already getting those types of fans.

"Yeah, sorry for not telling you sooner, I thought by not telling you, you wouldn't have to see all the gross and disturbing things I've seen..."

"Thanks for trying to look out for me, but even if you did tell me my curiosity would've gotten the best of me and would've probably found out either way." I said reassuringly, patting her shoulder as we continued our walk.

"Changing the subject, and back to you and Mirko, seeing how you two..." Izumi quickly scanned around at passing bystanders making sure they wouldn't hear. "Had sex, is she... you know pregnant? The last thing you need is to have another woman to worry about."

"No thankfully, she took the precautions so we're good, though it is something she is considering in the near future." I told her as she let out a small sigh of relief.

"That's good, though I am still a bit shocked that out of all of us, Mitsuki was the first to get knocked up." Izumi grumbled.

"Are you mad about that?"

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