Chapter 16: Unexpected Competition~

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-(Y/N) POV-

After getting brutally beaten down by my angry girlfriend while Shoya stood there watching and All Might laughing in the monitor room. When we got back to the room Katsuki huffed and dragged my bruised and burnt body away from everyone and held me close to her protectively. But that didn't stop Shoya as she moved next to be grabbing my arm which infuriated Katsuki but held back, not wanting to get the attention of All Might who assigned the next battle. Momo walked up to me with a medical kit she created and shoved Katsuki out of the way to tend to my wounds which were mostly caused by her. Reason why I didn't go see Recovery Girl was because All Might telling me to, 'walk it off.' I really think the guy doesn't like me and enjoys seeing me suffer, might need to have a chat with him at some point.

As Momo continued to tend to my wounds while making some flirtatious comments towards me, we watched the matches that were being taken. Katsuki seethed in anger as Momo continued to flirt with me and couldn't really do anything so she stood back to make sure things don't get too... intimate. We watched the rest of the class take their turns and battle amongst each other, some were close and fun to watch while some weren't fair and ended fairly quickly, but nonetheless everyone gave it their best shot. As soon as the last battle took place that was the end of training for the day which everyone thought it was fun, well except for me who lost and got beaten to a pulp by Katsuki. We all left the monitor room and made our way to the exit but not before All Might stopped us and got in front of us, probably to give us a speech or something.

"Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries besides Midoriya and (L/N) over here!" All Might gesturing towards me as parts of my body was wrapped up in bandages.

"I blame you for this All Might! You could've at least sent me to Recovery Girl to heal up you know?!" I shouted angrily as he simply laughed.

"Oh your hilarious young man!" He completely ignored what I said and looked back at the class, only for me to grit my teeth in annoyance. "But other than that you all took this seriously and I am impressed by your first training exercise! Now I'm off to to review the results to Young Midoriya so go and change return to class!" He shouted at us before taking off leaving a trail of smoke.

"Wow! All Might is amazing!" Denki Kaminari said with a large grin.

"Wonder why he's in a rush?" The frog girl, Tsuyu Asui asked out loud but no one seems to know as then everyone began to make their way to the changing room. Me on the other hand, started to walk the opposite direction to go to the medical room to see Recovery Girl and Izumi catching the attention of a certain ponytail hero.

"(Y/N) where you going?" I heard Momo asked catching up to me and grabbing my hand

"To go see Recovery Girl to accelerate my healing, and while I'm glad you patched me up which I'm actually impressed you knew what you were doing, but I don't really want to be a mummy all day." I explained to her as I gave her a reassuring smile and gently grasped her hand.

"N-No problem, I'll see you back in class." She said with a faint blush before running off, Momo gave me a quick wave and I returned the wave as I watched her leave. But as I did I felt a dark aura emulating behind me which caused me to sigh knowing who it was and turned around to see a very pissed off Katsuki. "Here we go again."

"(Y/N)..." She growled angrily grabbing the collars of my shirt and I braved for another beat down, but it didn't come. Instead, her anger stare slowly turned into that of a lustful and determine one as she trailed the other hand down to my crotch. "You know I don't like seeing you flirt with these chicks yet you still do it and now I have more competition to deal with, now I'm going to show you that I'm the one on top and not these whores! Plus I need to relieve some stress after losing to Deku!"

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