Chapter 45: One Day at a Time

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Come on kid! One more!" Mirko or Rumi as she prefers when we're in private, exclaimed to me encouragingly and with one final push, I was able to bench press 200 lbs one last time. I put the weights back on the holder and once letting go of the bar my arms gave out and collapsed, I can't even feel my arms other than the numbness as I breathed heavily, and my (F/C) tank top was covered in sweat. It may not seem that heavy but after doing like ten sets of 15 reps, it can be quite tiring especially since I haven't worked out that much in a while and haven't done a lot of heavy lifting since training for the Entrance Exams. Even then I didn't do much since the training was more so Izumi since she was training her body to wield All Might's quirk while he briefly taught me basic hand-to-hand combat.

It's been two days since the internship started and it's been a rather brutal first few days. Not only will she be whooping my ass on a daily basis but she is even going to work me to borderline death with her workout regimens. Today was the first day of me doing her workout plan and let's say it's not fun, not only did she wake me at the crack of dawn and do the workout regimens which were a lot but nothing I could handle. Until I got to the weight lifting part of the workout, she made me do a mass variety of weight lifting regimens like deadlifts and bench presses, and let's say it wasn't that easy or fun. When I saw the regimen she wrote up for me the previous day I knew it was going to be rough but nothing I can handle but doing them in person. So when I got to the weight lifting part my body was already a bit sore and tired so after what felt like hours of weight lifting made me realize that this was going to be a long week. My whole body ached in pain from the constant workout that lasted early in the morning to the afternoon, it's been a good while since a workout left my body in pain. It also didn't help that her choice of clothing was rather distracting if I do say so myself at times during the workout, which consists of a tight black sports bra that makes her embowed chest look larger and tight black yoga pants that show off her curves and thick legs along with her cute little rabbit tail.

Not only that but in the two days I've been here I found that Mirko walks around her home with very little clothing, mostly walking around with nothing else but a bra and panties

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Not only that but in the two days I've been here I found that Mirko walks around her home with very little clothing, mostly walking around with nothing else but a bra and panties. It was enough that she caught me staring a few times and would often tease me or in her words and I quote, 'give me a show,' enough so that my little friend below has been a pain to calm down. I tried to calm that little bastard but one, it feels too awkward not doing it in someone else's place, two, it just doesn't feel the same and doesn't do the trick anymore. I'm starting to get a bit concerned about that but also at the fact that I may have made a terrible choice of interning under Mirko if it's going to be like this for a whole week. Sure these first days have been brutal but I just need to hold out for a week and I'm sure I'll probably get used to this... I hope.

"Not bad kid, it's only been a couple of days but you're making good progress." Rumi said with a smirk, leaning her head down so her head was above mine.

"Thanks..." I painfully got out as she simply giggled before straightening up and beginning to walk towards the door.

"We'll take a break for a bit and have lunch before we do another load but don't worry it's more of the lighter side since you already did the heavy workload." She said, turning her head over her shoulder to look at me while I weakly gave her a thumbs up before my arm gave out again, causing her to giggle at my worn-out state before walking away. I raised my head a bit to see her walking out of the gym room with a sway in her walk as I let out a small groan before resting my head on the bench and laid there for a bit until I had enough strength to move again.

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