Chapter 54: Final Exams Part 3

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Sorry for the long delay everybody but here is the next chapter of Smoke Hero! I will say this is more of an Izumi and Katsuki centric chapter, wanting to build the dynamic between the two and diverging it from the canon a bit. I also will admit I spent the time mostly debating myself whether to skip this or write it out as I planned, but decided to go with option two. And also it's been awhile since I've written Smoke Hero and spent time trying to get that same feeling like the previous chapters. Now there will be like maybe one or two more chapters before I can finally fully work on Two Heroes! Other than that and again sorry for the long wait but I hope you all enjoy!


-(Y/N) POV-

"Shit... it happens again..." I muttered out in disbelief, sitting in one of the bathroom stalls, looking down at my hands with one glowing bright as light and the other glowing with static.

After my and Abigail's match, we made our way back to the monitor room to watch the other's exams, though after the match mother was a bit shaken from the match and needed to catch her breath, probably due to the fact I somehow copied her quirk! I had to make a quick stop to the bathroom after my match to catch my breath to try and ease the nerves at the revelation of copying another quirk, and getting confirmations when I activated my mom's quirk again and then Eugene's. I momentarily freaked out at this and knew if this keeps up it'll be more of a problem to try and keep this a secret and if this ever gets out... my good I don't even want to think what will happen. I gotta do something about this or things will get out of hand, especially if my 'old man' is after me for this ability which makes sense from what my mom told me about his old work. Though for now I can't do anything but suppress them and try and find time to control this second... three.. four quirks of mine... yeah that's still shocking to think about. After collecting my thoughts I washed my hands and face before exiting the bathroom where I was greeted by Abigail leaning up against the wall across the bathroom, looking at me concerningly.

"You alright?" She asked worriedly as I gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I just couldn't hold it in the end and felt the dam breaking." I joked with a grin to hide the truth, which at first didn't look like she was convinced as she simply stared at me with her gaze hardened at me. I slightly gulped that she wasn't buying and tried to think of another excuse but thankfully her gaze softened and let out a small amused snort.

"Cool, I got a bit worried for a second but that makes sense since you did leave a bit in a hurry." She giggled. "Now let's head back to the monitor room, the next match should start any moment."

"Oh shit really? Then let's get a move on before we miss anything good." I quickly said trying to forget about this and began to walk away.

As I walked away leaving Abigail there, she couldn't help but slightly frown to herself as she watched me walk away. Letting out a small soft sigh she put on a fake smile before walking away from her spot and quickly catching up and following close behind me. It didn't take that long to reach back to the monitor where most of the class was present to watch the next match which so happened to be Ochaco and Aoyama up against Thirteen which was a bit interesting to see since Ochaco was facing off against her idol hero. The match was also pretty straightforward as the two simply made their way to the finish line only to be surprised by Thirteen waiting for them. Of course, the pro used her quirk to suck them in but we were able to hang on some nearby rails, the next thing I knew Ochaco let go and flew towards the pro which caught the pro off guard and forced her to deactivate her quirk. That was when Ochaco threw a punch at the pro, forcing her to dodge only for my classmate to grab her other arm, handcuffing her before pinning her to the ground and passing the exam.

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