Chapter 15: Combat Training Part 3

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-(Y/N) POV-

Me and All Might rushed towards the battle ground with me begging him not to spill what happened in the monitor room but only got him laughing. We both arrived at the battle ground a few minutes later just in time when the medical robots with a stretcher showed up as we made our way where the battle took place. Me and All Might got there faster than the robots and when we did, we saw Izumi passed out on the ground with her arm looking to be burned and broken while Katsuki stood there, lost in her own thoughts. The two of us ran towards as I kneeled down by her side to sit her up trying to wake her or her some sort of response.

"Izumi!" I shook her again as he eyes slowly opened and gave me a warm weak smile.

"(Y-Y/N)... I-I did it..." She said weakly before she closed her eyes and passed out again.

"Yes, yes you did." I said kissing her forehead before the medical robots caught up and made their way to us. They stopped right beside us, I picked her up and set her down in the carry on bed and the moment I set her down the robots made their way out of the building. I followed them out for a bit walking next to Izumi, but I didn't get far when All Might grabbed my shoulder, stopping me as I looked up at him. "What?" I asked only for him to look away, I looked over as well to see Katsuki still in her thoughts but looked at her right hand and was shaking and started to breathe heavily.

"Uh Oh..." I muttered seeing how she was about to explode and not wanting to be caught in it I started to back away, only for All Mights grip to tighten and made his way to her while dragging me along as I tried to fight back.

"(Y/N), you leave you fail this class." He said sternly as I stopped resisting. When we got close enough, he placed his hand on her shoulder snapping her from her thoughts as I took a few steps away from getting caught in her anger zone until All Might grabbed my hoodie stopping me once again.

"Damn it..."

"Easy now Young Bakugo, it's time to head back to review the results." He said reassuring Katsuki. "No matter if you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experience is a part of life and what makes you a good hero." He added as her breathing calmed down from his words as I sighed in relief escaping potential death... or so I thought. "Plus you should focus your anger on (Y/N) here, who I caught flirting with some of your classmates."

"ALL MIGHT WHY?!" I shouted in anger and in fear as I saw Katsuki body twitched when he said that, she started to shake again but this time out of anger and her hands began to smoke with small explosions erupting around her hand.

"(Y/N)!!!" She roared angrily, turning around and gave me a murderous glare, a glare I saw my life ending. She stood there glaring at me without saying a word for a moment before she lunged at me and I took off running. "Get back here!"

"It wasn't my fault!" I cried running for my life through the destroyed building as All Might laughed a bit as he can hear the commotion or more specifically my cries for help they eventually turned to cries of pain.


"Ow... Ow... Ow..." I groaned in pain with my face being bruised up from Katsuki, my costume slightly torn with some scorch marks and was clinging onto my left arm while pinching my cheek, still pretty mad.

"I think he has had enough." Momo said grabbing my other arm and pulling away from Katsuki after witnessing me get tossed around by here. The two glared at each other before Katsuki eyes trailed down to see that Momo's costume was quite revealing, but what ticked her off more was her cheats was slightly bigger than hers.

"Let go of my boyfr-!" She began but luckily All Might cut her off before the monitor will end up like the battle zone.

"That's enough Bakugo!" All Mighty said sternly before coughing a bit and turned his attention to the rest of the class. "Anyway, after a successful first test I was impressed at what I saw if I say so myself, and I'd say the MVP is Young Iida!" He said as Iida's eyes widen in shock.

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