A/N: I Live!

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Hey everyone I know it's been a while but I want to apologize to you all for the lack of updates and even the lack of activity on my part, I will admit I did lose that inspiration to write and had been forcing myself to write especially during the last few updates I did. I tried to push through and did update some of my stories and have been letting you all know everything's been good for me, and tried to play off thinking I'll get back on track. But I think forcing myself to write made me not much enjoy doing it as I used to and saw writing as more of an hassle to do, and with me working and doing other things on the side, writing became the last thing I wanted to do in my free time.

But after a while of trying to force myself to write the latest chapters, I just stopped writing along the way and haven't really written anything in a long while and even been very active on here for quite some time besides a few times here and there. And again sorry about that, I told myself I wanted to be more active on here and with you all, and hasn't been that way since I didn't know what to say really. Mostly because during that time I was contemplating if I should just stop writing and didn't want to be too hasty with my announcement or anything so I haven't been in here besides some occasions but that's usually it.

But after spending time away,(a few months) taking a break, catching up on stories I haven't been reading recently, and trying to figure out what to say to you all, I regained my motivation/inspiration! This time I'm going at it differently, mostly on a mental aspect on my part but of course, I want to focus more on quality of quantity so updates might still be slow but I will be writing more for sure, so there might be more updates this time around. Though I just don't have the free time like used to anymore and I want to thank you all for sticking around and still asking for more. Seeing people ask for updates made me happy that there are people still interested and another reason I got back!

Again, I want to apologize to you all and to make it up to you I have the next chapter of Legacy of Spider-Man and even got the first chapter of ATLA(decided to rip the bandage off and go with a specific route/idea, and hope it turns out well) done, just need to proofread and edit them before publishing. Just because I was working on them before stopping and wanted to finish them up first and currently working on the next chapter for Smoke Hero. However, I will admit I am jumping all over the place with the next chapter, mostly because I've been writing down ideas/bits for future chapters. I'm even writing a bit of my RWBY story I haven't touched in a long time, but after rereading my old chapters I do kinda want to revisit/rework them, so I'll probably go back and forth with that!

I also want to apologize again if this excited you all for an update. I didn't want to do this and wanted to attach this with the chapters but I thought I just got this out to inform you all I'm back! Again thank you all for sticking with me! And if you all have any questions or anything I'll be sure to answer them.

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