Chapter 42: Hero Names

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Morning..." Aizawa called out tiredly, bandaged free, as he walked into the classroom with my mother right behind him.

"Morning Mr. Aizawa and Ms. (L/N)." We all greeted them, though I am still a bit uncomfortable with my mom teaching my class.

"Ribbit, Mr. Aizawa, your bandages are gone." Tsuyu pointed out as we all realized that he didn't look like a mummy anymore.

"Yeah, the old lady went overboard with her treatment." He simply said.

"But I thought you loved it when I played nurse with you?~" My mom playfully pouted, earning an annoyed groan from the man and a hearty laugh from the class much to my displeasure.

"Kill me..."

"Anyway," Aizawa began as the class shut up. "For today we're having a special hero informatics class." He said which made the whole class freeze up on what he meant by 'special' which with him could mean anything but good.

"Please don't be dangerous... Please don't be dangerous..." Mineta muttered to himself.

"Today, you'll be coming up with your hero names."

"We're finally going to do something exciting!" The class roared excitedly, some shooting up from their seat.

"Settle down!" He sternly his eyes momentarily glowed red and his hair flared up a bit, shutting us up.

"...That was hot..." (M/N) whispered to herself.

"You, be quiet." He glared at my mom who simply grinned at him before turning back to us. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned before the Sports Festival. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained the experience and can become immediate assets to pros. For them to extend offers to first years like you all shows they see a lot of potential in you. However, these offers are often canceled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked then?" Toru asked.

"That's correct, so here's the total of offers to those who received them." He said, raising a remote from his desk before pressing a button as text appeared on the board behind him to show us all the total amount of offers. Todoroki seems to have the most offers with 4,045, followed by Katsuki with 3,267 offers and myself with 1,258 despite coming in second and a little hurt thinking I should've gotten more. Then after me the amount of offers is significantly smaller with Tokoyami with 308, Iida with 288, Kaminari with 212, Momo with 108, Eijira with 69, Ochaco with 20, and finally Sero with 14. Seeing the list one person who participated in the tournament but didn't get an offer was Izumi, which I couldn't help but frown wondering why she didn't get any.

"Normally, this would be more spread out but it seems all eyes were on these three this year." Aizawa said, gesturing to the top three of the list.

"That's such a big difference!" Kaminari exclaimed in annoyance.

"The pros don't know a good thing when they see it!" Aoyama said, looking at the readers while Mina behind him followed his sight to see he was staring at nothing and was confused.

"Todoroki's first not surprising but Bakugo getting second with (Y/N) third?" Jiro asked out loud, staring at the board.

"I thought (Y/N) would at least get the second most since... well he got second place." Eijira said, pointing out the obvious.

"Well, Bakugo's quirk is a bit more powerful than his if you compare the raw power." Sero pointed out. "Though one is more tamer than the other." He added with a slight grin on his face.

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