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I've watched My Hero Academia since it's been very popular and I gotta say, I'm really enjoying it. It became one of my favorite anime so after watching it and reading stories, I decided to write a story of My Hero Academia. This will also be a harem story and I see myself making more MHA stories in the future.

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 18 (A/N: Characters will be aged up in the story and UA Will me more of a college/University)
Height: 5'9

Quirk: Smoke Manipulation- You have the ability to to create black smoke from you body and can absorb and manipulate smoke. You can also turn your body into smoke allowing you to move around easily and go through cracks and holes and attacks to go through you when your body is smoke. But when you turn your body into smoke, you can only be in it for a few seconds since it drains a lot of your energetic since you have to concertante and still practice using that ability. When using your smoke quirk, your speed and movement increase and use it to get around your enemies. And when using the smoke for offense you can fire a mist of smoke and use it to make your punches and kick more powerful.

 And when using the smoke for offense you can fire a mist of smoke and use it to make your punches and kick more powerful

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(Like this when firing the smoke)

But ever since you discovered your quirk your mother has some what been cautious ever since, she told you not to use your quirk in public and doesn't want you to be a hero. You complied since she is your mother. You believe that it has something to with your father since your quirk is nothing like your mother's so it must be your fathers quirk.

Hero Outfit: Which you'll get later

Bio: Not knowing who your father is and with your mom barely at home doing her job, you only see her at best 2-3 times a months sometime even once

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Bio: Not knowing who your father is and with your mom barely at home doing her job, you only see her at best 2-3 times a months sometime even once. So you grew up alone and sometimes stay out late and not usual come home very late. You tend to wonder the streets of Japan doing anything that makes you laugh or anything fun, you tend to prank random people just for the laughs and sometime stopping a few muggers here and there. But in time you use your quirk when your mother isn't home and she never found out, hehehe. You also tend to not show up for school and when you do show up, you are considered a slacker, but to students you are considered a bad boy, which what the girls found attractive about you. While you may act like you don't care for anything or anyone, you are actually a caring person and is willing to sacrifice yourself for the people you care for. But you may be a slacker doesn't mean you failing, you don't turn in any work bit you make it up by showing up during by rest and all that, you pass on everything. And the only friend you have is a green haired student who also happens to be your neighbor.

Mother: (M/N) (L/N)

Quirk: Light- She can shoot out high energized blasts of light that is very hot and very bright

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Quirk: Light- She can shoot out high energized blasts of light that is very hot and very bright. The blasts of light can blind someone temporarily or can possibly blind them permanently, depending how bright. And since her blast can reach at such a high temperature they can cut through metal, but you don't know much about her quirk since she tends to keep it a secret.

Bio: Your mother mentioned she used to be a hero in America but decided to retire and move to Japan to be a vey successful business woman. She tends not to talk about her hero life even when you ask about and only gives you a few small moments of her career and is very secretive about her past. And whenever you ask about your father to find out more she tends to shake the question off or change the subject, avoiding the subject. You later gave up asking her about your father but still had the thought on who he was and wondered if you'll meet them. You even searched stuff in the storage room to find anything about your father and mother's past, but when you were caught by your mother, you were earn a harsh scowl by your mother.

Father: Unknown...

The Smoke Hero (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now