Chapter 23: A Long Awaited Chat

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Sorry for the delay people, been working these past few months which have been stressful and leaving me drained a times. Another is I had a bit of a writers block for the chapter and had to do constant changes to the point where I had to start over and took me at least three attempts to get this chapter to something I really liked. It also didn't help I decide to change my storyboard last minute and wanting the reader to overcome obstacles of his own and make the story a bit more interesting for you guys and for myself. Also I would like to shout Blade6677 for helping me out for this chapter and some good ideas for the story. Other than that I hoped you all enjoy and I promise I'll to plan my time out better so I don't have to keep you all waiting.


-(Y/N) POV-

'Ugh what happened?' I mentally groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a room of some sort with the setting sun lighting the room.

I went to sit up only to feel immense pain before falling back onto the bed. I lifted the blanket to see I was half-naked and covered in bandages and dried blood, a cast over my left arm. Seeing my condition I then remembered the events that took place at USJ, with the villains breaking in and separating us to pick us one by one, but mostly I remembered how I got my assed kicked by my so-called father before the next thing I knew I blacked out. Now I find myself in this room which I assume is a hospital with my whole body aching in pain but not as bad as when I was fighting against my father... but why do I feel like I've been molested?

"Oh, I see your awake young man." I heard someone say as I looked over to see Recovery Girl staring at me with her head peeking over the bed. "Though you still need to rest, I was able to heal some of your injuries and didn't want to push your stamina too much and risk your life so all try it again when you are well-rested."

"That's fine, though do you mind telling me what happened and how long I was out?" I asked as she let out a small tired sigh.

"You were out for a few hours as for the events that took place earlier, the villains fled when the heroes arrived at USJ. I was able to heal some of the injured students but I had to wait since you didn't have any stamina left to spare to allow me to treat your injuries." She explained before letting out a small chuckle. "And good thing you were out cold earlier, a group of girls barged in here to check up on you, took a lot of staff members to get them to leave and they made a lot of ruckus."

"Hehe yeah sounds about right." I said with a small chuckle before it faded. "Who was hurt from the attacks and what happened to Ojiro? Last time I saw him the villain who attacked us knocked him out."

"He's fine, a minor concussion and few bruises but nothing my quirk can handle."

"That's good to hear, was there anyone else that was hurt from the attack?" I asked.

"Well besides Ojiro there were a few students with minor injuries that I easily took care of, then there was that Midoriya girl who fractured her hand and is in the room doesn't he hall resting. Other than that most of your classmates left rather unharmed which is impressive seeing how you all fought real villains for the first time." Recovery Girl said with a faint smile but quickly faded into a frown. "Thought you weren't so lucky and were in the worst condition besides your teachers." She added which made my eyes widen in shock.

"How are they?" I asked as she let out a sigh.

"Well, first All Might had some injuries that are not as bad as your other teachers and is in a room resting." She said.

"Let me guess, his old injury reopened when he was fighting that monstrous beast." I cut her off, making her slightly flinch and eyed me sternly which I couldn't help hug let out a small chuckle. "It's fine, All Might told me about his secret and I know about his quirk. You don't need to worry, I promised to keep my lips sealed."

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