Chapter 6: Practical Exam

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-(Y/N) POV-

"So you're telling me is your quirk is to shoot out Acid liquid and that's the reason your skin is pink?" I asked Mina as we stood by the gate of our battle center with most of the examinees.

"Yup!" She said cheerfully.

"Huh... neat. Your quirk reminds me that movie Aliens with their acided blood." I said chuckling as she gasped in excitement.

"I love that movie!" She said.

"Me too, it's a great classic movie, watch all of the movies and so far my favorite is the second one Aliens. I watched a ton of movies from America because they make some of the best." I said as she had a devious smirk.

"Agreed and you know (Y/N), maybe after the exam you and me and hang out later and have a marathon. Let's sayyyy your place tonight.~" Mina said seductively making me blush as she pretty much asking me out in a way.

"I... Uh...." I was lost for words as she noticed and giggled before my face nearly exploded as she pressed her cleavage against my chest as I peeked down and immediately looked away feeling embarrassed. Though she grinned more before moving she moved way and cling onto my arm.

"Ooooh!~ You have strong arms, I can't wait for you to hold me during the movie.~ And who knows, maybe if your lucky, you and I can have a little... fun.~" She said seductively as I stood there frozen. Normally I wouldn't mind attention from girls but I'm seeing Izumi and let's just say she gets really protective of me when she sees girls flirt with me.

"Uhhh... actually Mina I have a gir-" I was going to tell her I have a girlfriend but some walked up to us and interrupted me.

"Not need to interrupt your little love fest but people are watching you so I would stop if I were you." I heard a girl said as I looked around to see some examinees looking and I felt embarrassed as I looked back to see who said that.

I looked behind me to see a petite slender girl with fair skin right behind me looking slightly annoyed or bored, can't tell from her expression. She has short purple hair with asymmetrical bangs, but what I found interesting is that there was lavender colored streaks the looked like sound waves on the side of her head, so I'm guessing her quirk involves sound or something. But the most noticeable feature about the girl is that she has plug-like earlobes so maybe her quirk relies on them. The girl wore a simple grey long sleeve shirt and blue pants and black boot.

"Oh! Uh... we'll if this is making you uncomfortable." I said embarrassed as she rolled her eyes and walked away. I looked back down at Mina who still clung in my arm and I simply used my quirk to turn my arm to smoke to break free as she pouted a bit.

"I think we should focus on the exam Mina, not to be rude though." I said a she smirked.

"It's okay, I'm sure you and I will have our fun later.~" She said winking at me.

"Look Mina, we just met and you need to know that I have a girlf-"

"Alright start!" GOD DAMN IT! Everyone looked up to see Present Mic standing on a tower looking down at us. "There's no warning in a real battle so everyone get to it!" He shouted everyone just took off as I stood there a bit confused.

"Come on (Y/N)!" Mina shouted as she grabbed my arm and dragged into the battle center.

"Wow! Easy on the arm!" I shouted but she didn't let go. I sighed in defeat as I prepared myself for this but there is one thing on my mind is that I hope Izumi will pull through this and achieve her dream.

-Izumi POV-

'Calm down Izumi. It's fine! I may be behind already but I got this, I trained with All Might and (Y/N) I can't fail them now!' I mentally shouted at myself trying to motivate myself as I remembered the ten months of trading and wouldn't want to disappoint them. Remembering all the work the two did for me to get me prepared and I knew I had to get points and fast. I continued to run and hopefully catch up with all the examinees, but as I ran the building in front me exploded in front of me making me freeze in place.

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