Chapter 29: Date with Kyoka

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Did you even finish a movie last night?" Izumi asked as she laid in my bed with the bedsheets covering her naked body after me and she had our morning fun when she somehow snuck inside my home. When she came into my room early this morning I would've screamed and woken up my mother if she hadn't covered my mouth to muffle my scream. It was after that she simply demanded me to make up for not giving her attention for a few days and knew I would be busy today with my date with Kyoka.

"We made it through the first thirty minutes before things got a little... heated, but she was the one who started it if you're wondering. It caught me off guard and we both got a bit... freaky with each other." I trailed off with images of me and Mina exciting and fun last night with my cheeks reddening. Izumi saw me trailed off and didn't like the look on my face and hit my shoulder, snapping me back into reality as I coughed nervously. "Anyway, I'm going to freshen up a bit and you and I can hang out for a few hours before I head out to meet Kyoka."

"Sounds good." She said with a smile as she watched me put in my boxers and sweatpants along with some fresh set of clothes for the day before making my way to the door. "Oh! One question before you take a shower."

"Yes?" I said unsure what she was going to ask and felt a bit nervous as a serious look appeared on her face.

"Out of the girls you slept with, who's better in bed?" She asked as I stood there frozen not knowing how to answer, and knew whatever I said would probably get me killed.

"...No comment." I said nervously as she glared at me but it quickly faded as she glared turned to a look of determination.

"Then when you get back from your date, I'm going to prove I'm the best in bed!" She declared jumping up from my bed and exposing me to her naked body.

"Just make sure you clean yourself up after I'm done and take off my bedsheets so I can wash them before I leave." I said, getting a nod from her as I closed the door and let out a sigh, and rested my head on my door.

"I thought I told you not to have too much fun last night." I looked over to see my mom leaning up against the wall by my room looking rather tired.

"What're you talking about? Me and Mina just watched some movies like I said we would." I said nervously as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I overheard your little chat with Izumi about how you had sex with Ashido instead of watching movies like I hope you would."

"You heard that?"

"Oh yeah, and not just your talk but also your sexy time with her earlier this morning." She said as my cheeks reddened in embarrassment.


"Yup, so not only did you sleep with Ashido last night but you also woke me up early in the morning to have more fun with Izumi who I'm going to question how she got in here." She said out loud sternly at my door hoping for Izumi to head.

"Sorry..." Izumi called out from my room nervously who's probably on the other side of the door listening in on our conversation.

"Well in my defense they threw themselves at me first." I said before a bang was heard on the other side of the door.

"Don't throw me under the bus!" Izumi called out.

"If I'm going down I'm taking you with me!" I called back out through the door, my mom couldn't help but chuckle at our chemistry before getting serious again.

"Did you at least wear protection?" She asked.

"I'm on the pill!" Izumi answered for herself.

"Okay, what about Mina?"

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