Chapter 50: Study Session

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-(Y/N) POV-

"You knew didn't you?" Izumi asked, glaring at me as she stood in front of my door, watching me buttoning up my shirt.

"Knew what?" I asked dumbly, turning to face her with a wide grin on my face which did the trick for her.

"You did know!" She exclaimed with a pout on her face.

"Yes I did, he came to me before Hero Training for some dating advice with your mother and I helped or at least tell him what he should do."

"And you didn't warn me?" She asked as I simply chuckled, tying my tie.

"I wanted the news to be a surprise for you and I didn't want to tell you beforehand and make a scene, did he botch the reveal?"

"Not really... kinda... I don't know." She sighed before continuing. "It started fine, he asked how I was doing since the Hajou incident and my encounter with Stain, but we also talked more about my quirk. Then that's when he dropped the bombshell that he's dating my mother." Izumi said and I couldn't help but laugh again as she glared at me. "It's not funny!"

"I'm sorry, it's just I can only imagine what your face looked like when he told you," I said catching my breath. "God I wish I was there to see it."

"Can we just go now?" She asked in annoyance, pouting as I grabbed my backpack from my bed.

"If it makes you happy." I said tossing my backpack over my shoulder before we walked out of my room as Izumi looked around my place as we walked towards the front door.

"Your mom left early again?" She asked as we put our shoes on.

"Yeah, she's enjoying the whole teacher job and taking it pretty seriously. Still shocked she was able to get a job at UA but she's happy with her new job." I said, opening the front door as we exited the apartment.

"Or is it the fact that she likes to be around Mr. Aizawa and wanted to spend some time with him before class started." Izumi teases as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Don't say that, there's no way my mother is into that sleeping zombie, even though she gets a little too close to him at times, I think she's doing it to mess with him or me... maybe both."

"What? You were just messing with me about All Might and my mom being together so I think it's only fair I mess with you." She said with a vengeful-like grin.

"Then I guess that makes us even," I said as she giggled. "But back to All Might and your mom, are you and him going to break it to her about... well, everything or at least that he's All Might and your his successor?"

"Yeah me and him talked yesterday and thought it's best to get it out of the way now rather than later." She said letting out a small groan. "Not looking forward to this weekend."

"You think it's going to be that bad?"

"No... yes... I don't know. I do know she'll most likely pass out, and maybe cry a little but it's something I don't want to think about until after it's over. But if she takes it well enough and is still willing to date All Might, he said he'll take us out for a... family dinner... that sounds weird when I say that out loud." She said as we walked out of the apartment complex gate and down the sidewalk to the train station.

"Don't know why you're upset, you have your idol as your future potential father."

"I know, coming from the All Might superfan herself, and it's something I fantasized about as a kid having him as a dad hehe." She said embarrassingly with a slightly cheeky giggle. "But my mom is the world to me, after everything she did for me and what she's been through because of me. I don't want her to get hurt again and even if he is my hero, my mother will always be my number one and if he ever hurts her there's nothing stopping me from giving him a taste of One For All!" She threatened out loud, clenching her fists as I looked at her.

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