Chapter 4: Welcome to U.A.

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-(Y/N) POV-

Two days have past since All Might decided to train us to prepare us for UA and since me and Izumi started to date. The morning after was rather awkward with her mom since she last saw us laying with each other almost nude, and she was constantly teasing us. I expected her to chase me out the house with a frying pan but no, she was teasing me and Izumi and made us feel embarrassed. She was even giving us names for our children which made this way more awkward, but luckily she stopped her teasing, or toned it down a bit as we left for school. When we arrived at the school, Izumi decided to have a lift payback with everyone that looked down at her, especially a certain blonde haired girl. Upon arriving at the class, everyone's eyes widen in shock to see me and Izumi holding hands not before planting a kiss on my lips. The girls stared at the couple in jealousy as the blonde hair girl growled and grit her teeth as she gripped he desk but accidentally activating her quirk and exploded the desk.

But other than that the last two days went pretty normal and right now me, Izumi and All Might were at the beach and the sun was barely rising. Izumi wore blue sweatpants and a white T-shirt as I wore a black tank top and gray sweatpants. As for All Might, he is in his buff form and is wearing a skin tight blue shirt and black sweatpants with a white stripe going down the leg. I sat down as I was drinking water and wiping off sweat from my head with a small white towel as I watched Izumi trying to move a fridge with All Might sitting on top of it laughing.

"This is such a comfy fridge to sit on! (Y/N), why don't you join me!" He said.

"I think you is on the fridge is heavy enough." I said before Izumi slipped and fell to the ground as I walked to her and helped her up.

"Thanks." She said smiling at me as I returned the smile and patted her head.

"You know, if you could move it just a little bit this would be a lot easier." All Might said.

"It doesn't help you're like 274 kilograms, right?" Izumi stated.

"Actually I'm 255 kilograms now." He said.

"In that from... right?" I asked as he nodded and gave me a thumbs up. "Also, why the hell are we moving trash beach so early?"

"Did you forget what I said few days ago? Like I said, my quirk is very powerful and not so easy to handle, so if I give Izumi my quirk right now it will shatter her body because she is not physically built for it. Or more like her limbs will explode." He said as Izumi face paled.

"Don't you think you should've told us that." I said glaring the the hero while holding her close to me.

"I-It's fine (Y/N), I kinda knew his quirk wouldn't be so easy to control." She said before looking at All Might. "So the reason you have me pick up the trash is to train my body?" She asked.

"Yes." He said throwing a thumbs up. "I'll have (Y/N) help you clear some of the trash to give him a good workout to get him more built, but the I'll help improve his hand to hand combat and work with his quirk to see his limit." He said before turning around and walking to the fridge.

"You bet he's built.~" Izumi muttered seductively and luckily he didn't hear as she pressed her chest against me, making me blush.

"I did a little research and found out that the beach been like this for years." All Might said.

"That's because of the currents and that object drifting here in the beach and people take advantage of that to hide their illegal dumping." Izumi explained as All Might put his hand in the fridge.

"Heroes these days are all for the showing off and making a grand entrance." He said.

"Like that blonde bitch Mt. Lady." Izumi muttered.

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