Waiting For Someone.

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Sara checked her omni-tool for the fourth time in ten minutes. Her Angarian contact Shena was late. Kadara wasn't the nicest of places to be stuck waiting for someone. She leans against the bar, dragging her nails through her long blonde hair, her ice-blue eyes staring bored as she sees the drunk Krogan move away from his drink.

"Hey!" Umi the bar's owner shouts as he turns from her. "You order, you pay," she demands.

The Krogan half turns around but sways as he does. "Piss off," he grumbles. Umi growls at him, the Asari was far from impressed.

"Pay up, Krogan," she says one last time. The Krogan was ready to punch her from across the countertop, though her Asari blade stabbing through the wooden bar top quickly changes his mind. He pulls his omni-tool out, paying her and stumbles away.

Ryder just shakes her head and turns to look out at Kadara. It was a beautiful planet, though it had horrid people living there. One side had the Outcasts, run by Sloane Kelly who was behind the uprising back on the Nexus and more hot-headed than Ryder herself. Then there was the Collective, near the opposite to Sloan and her thugs. The leader was only known as the Charlatan, no one knows who she, he or they were.

The Outcasts run Kadara port, after taking it from the native Angara. Fights happened constantly with them both and the Collective either protecting the Angara or just pissing off the Outcasts. Sloan wasn't a woman many liked to annoy. Though the Charlatan seems to get a rise out of doing so.

"You look like you're waiting for someone," a drop-dead gorgeous voice calls from behind her. Ryder rolls her eyes, this was the second time she'd have to tell some drunken fool to leave her alone.

She turns around to lock eyes with the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. Her eyes pop out, her lips run dry and her palms go sweaty. It could be the horrid heat on the planet. The man was taller than her, a good four or five inches taller. He had neat swept black hair, shaven well at the sides. Dark brown, almost golden eyes and his face was just... gorgeous.

He doesn't wait for her to respond, patting his gloved hands on the bar for Umi to get them two drinks. He extends one to her, Ryder looks between him and the drink. His skin was just perfect a hot tanned colour, she thought. Then nearly slapped herself.

"Pathfinder, he is waiting," her AI best friend SAM calls from their private channel. Ryder quickly grabs the drink, licking her lips before speaking.

"I've got time for a drink," she says in her coolest voice. The man smirks as they both down the dry Whiskey. Ryder had to cough back the taste, punching her throat and instantly burning.

The man places the cup down, closing his eyes before extending a hand and speaking. "Shena, but you can call me Reyes. I hate code names," he says. Ryder raises a brow at him, well he definitely wasn't Angaran.

"Sara Ryder," she says, accepting his handshake. "I was expecting someone more... Angaran," she points out. Reyes smirks again, he turns towards the balcony overlooking Kadara.

"I supply the resistance with information... amongst other things," he quietly adds. Sara rolled her eyes, he loved himself so much.

"So you're a smuggler?" she asks, leaning against the railing.

"I'm a great many things," he shoots back. Leaning in next to her, their elbows brush together. Sara moves up slightly. "I'm here to tell you about your man Vehn Terev. Sloan has him locked up and well, she's a woman of the people."

Sara rolls her eyes, sighing to herself. "I'm a woman of the people, I can biotically punch a Krogan into next week," she confidently says. Reyes laughs, he then truly looks at her. Their eyes stay locked, not blinking. Then Ryder realizes she's gawking so she looks outside.

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